
Ruesi & Kumarn Tong amulet

Ruesi Por Gae Narot Maha Tep Normo - Wat Sala Fai Sakorn Sri Tammarat.

This is a Ruesi amulet from famous temple Wat Sala Fai in Nakorn Sri Tammarat. The front side has Ruesi Por Gae Narot (Naradha) embossed on it, with the Ruesi mantra "Leu Leur inscribed above his head.
The amulet has a tagrud in the base, as well as semi precious stone inserted in the tip of the amulet. You can see glittering points of white which is a sign of there being both Nga Chang and Pong Itaje present in the mixture, as well as Kakyayaks earth, which produces white beads that grow and increase with age. Both these ingredients are considered to have strong magical properties of protection. The back side of the amulet has a Kumarn Tong impressed on it, which increases the opportunity of it's wearer to have good business, wealth and fortune as well as lots of friends and good love life. The Ruesi will protect you from magic and bad luck and physical dangers, obstacles etc, and aid you in your practise if you are a meditator or practise magic yourself. The Kumarn will increase your popularity and business sales as well as making your home and family life a happy one.
I am sorry about the rather blurry fotos i shall re-edit with clearer ones later.

This amulet ia available for rent at a price of SG$50

This amulet is from the "Maha Tep Normo" edition of amulets made with a massive number of monks blessing in Nakorn Sri Tammarat. I have published and will publish more amulets in this series on the blog.

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