
Khunpaen amulet Luang Por Poon Wat Pai Lom

The Khunpaen amulet below is from Luang Por Poon in Wat Pai Lom temple in Nakorn Pathom. It has a Kumarn Tong on the back side to increase fortune and sales for business as well as the charming and metta aspects already coming from Pra Khunpaen. Pra Khunpaen also has good power for salesmen and merchants, but with the gumarn tong added the effect is considered to be extremely increased.

Kumarn Tong on the rear face is in meditation  posture - this Kumarn is called Kumarn Samasadhi, or Kumarn Samabidhi - This is not a normal Kumarn Tong, rather represents another kind of Kumarn Tong who exists in the Deva World, and is seen as a high deity
Price; SG$100 - Now Reduced to $SG70!!
Sold! this amulet is now oput of stock and unavailable - thanks for support.

Luang Por Poon is considered one of Thailands greatest Master Monks of all time, he was famous for his great stillness and quality of not speaking much unless it was something which was important - this is of course one of the signs of Bodhisattvas and Arahants. He recieved his magical training in Kata Akom from various Masters, including LP Jom, LP Glan, LP Chem and LP Ngern. Wat Pai Lom is thought to have been built during the Ayutthaya period, i.e. long before the founding of Bangkok. Its name means "Bamboo Temple" and was chosen either because the first temple buildings were made of bamboo or because of the dense bamboo forest, which once surrounded the temple grounds.

This amulet has been rented out now. In the moment i have no more examples in stock. I shall update this post as and when i obtain more of them.

You can contact me on sakyant at windowslive dot com or fone 98323062 (Singapore) if you wish to rent these amulets. - or go to the new online shop at Siam Amulets Online
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