
Pra Somdet Bang Khun Prom amulet

 Pra Somdet Bang Khun Prom amulet
Pim Chedi edition - made in 2549
พระสมเด็จ วัดบางขุนพรหม ๒๕๔๙

This amulet was blessed in Puttapisek Ceremony on Saor 3, 10th April 2549 at Wat Bang Khun Prom temple. This amulet was made according to the old traditional method used for the original Bang Khun Prom pra  Somdej amulets

Front side of Pra Somdet Wat Bang Khun Prom - you can see how this amulet is traditionaly made using the old methods, by examining the texture of the amulet.

Back side of Pra Somdet Wat Bang Khun Prom - you can see the official stamp of the temple emblazoned for authenticity.

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