
Pra Luang Phu Tuad amulets Wat Huay Mongkol

Pra Luang Phu Tuad Wat Huay Mongkol 

This amulet is one of my favourites. I got it from Wat Huay Mongkol a couple of years ago. This temple is now perhaps the most famous for modern day LP Tuad amulets. This is not without reason,because not only is Wat Huay Mongkol the home of the biggest Luang Por Tuad statue in the world, it is also famous for the massive amount of minerals and sacredherbs, semi precious stones etc which are mixed into the amulets. If you look at the back side of the amulet (see pic below - click on pic to enlarge), you can see how much minerals, gold flakes and other ingredients have been pounded up into the mixture. The surface literally glitters with Gaayasit (sacred materials. elements, and stones) I received this along with a round Lp Tuad amulet from the person managing the amulet counter. I had given him one of the LP Liam Gunstopper amulets (which also has Luang Phu Tuad on it) as a memento. He then gave me this one and another one in return.

The Wat Huay Mongkol amulets are always a good acquisition because they are both well made and consecrated amulets, as well as being a dood investment for collectors due ton the fact that the amulets are made in limited collectors editions which change each year. Wat Huay Mongkol is considered to be the official Luang Phu Tuad pilgrimage site. Even devotees from the South who  are from the vicinity of Wat Chang Hai will wish to make at least one pilgrimage to Wat Huay Mongkol to pay respects and pray to the giant statue of LP Tuad.
Above; The Luang Por Tuad Statue and shrine at Wat Huay Mongkol, Hua Hin

Below is the other LP Tuad amulet that i obtained whilst there - this edition has Yant Grao Paetch (Diamond Armour Yantra) from the famous Wat Bang Nom Kho temple of Luang Por Parn in Ayuttaya - the amulet also glitters with the typical rich mix of minerals and Gaayasit Sacred relics used to empower the amulet mixture with. I think that Wat Huay Mongkol is making some of Thailands best quality amulets, which is of course one of the reasons for Wat Huay Mongkols growing popularity, and the steady increment in value of amulets from this temple,as time passes.

The amulets have the original Din Kakyayaks earth from the swamp in Pattani which is an essential ingredient in original LP Tuad amulets.
This amulet is about 5 centimeters in width.
I now wish to let this amulet go to find a new companion - Rental Price - 100$ U.S.

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