
Pra Pim Gleep Bua - Luang Por Daeng Wat Tung Kork (Supann Buri)

Extremely hard to find Pra Pong Pim Gleep Bua miniature amulet, by Luang Por Phern's Guru Teacher, Luang Por Daeng, of Wat Tung Kork temple (Supann Buri).

This rare miniature amulet is a hard to find edition from Luang Por Daeng of Wat Tung Kork, in Ampher Sorng Pinong, Supann Buri. LP Daeng was the Kroo Ba Ajarn (Master Guru Teacher) of the world famous Luang Por Phern Tidtakunoe (Deceased, RIP) of Wat Bang Pra temle, whose Sak Yant Tattoos have become legendary with devotees from around the World attending his Wai Kroo festival.

LP Phern learned a large part of his Yant magic from LP Daeng, which makes this amulet an extremely desirable item for those devotees of Luang Por Phern, as well as those who revere LP Daeng himself..

LP Daeng passed away in 2510, which makes this amulet somewhere between 50 and 100 years old most probably. Exact date is unknown.

Pra Pim Gleep Bua - Luang Por Daeng Wat Tung Kork (Supann Buri)

To rent an amulet from me, you can contact me on sakyant at windowslive dot com, Or Phone 98323062 (Singapore) or +66886799251(Thailand).
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