
Pra Tewarach Potisat Ongk Rachan Dam Jatukam Ramatep

Jatukam Ramatep amulet Nakorn Sri Tammarat

Thi beautiful Jatukam is extremely rich in Muan Sarn content - small size about 2.5 cm diameter. You can see the sacred powder beginning to rise up n the surface of the back face of the amulet, which has semi precious elements inlaid into the Muan Sarn of the amulet. I suspect this amulet has Mai Jinda Manee and Pong Wasana Jindaa manee in it as well as Mai Tep taro, but i cannot confirm this. Its small size makes it an attractive option for ladies as well as men, for great commerce in your professional life with eased promotion possibilities as well as protection from all forms of natural and unnatural accidents. Jatukam Ramatep was a King of the Sri Vichai Empire of what is now South Thailand, and is believed to be a Boddhisattva, and an incarnation of Jatukam Ramatep. Guardian of the Southern Seas - 'Taepa Jao Haeng Tale Dtai'

 2550 B.E.
Pra Tewarach Potisat Ongk Rachan Dam Jatukam Ramatep

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