
Benjapakee Somdej Dto Prohmrangsri Gru pratat Panom

Two of the many different sets of amulets made by Somdej Dto Prohmrangsri taken from the Pratat Panom Gru in Nakorn Panom. These have already been sold now, and i am on the search for some more both for myself and for the eventual case that someone else wishes to rent. Here they are to look at - as said, out of stock right now but my sources assure me they are going to find me some more, so there is still a good chance of obtaining a set or two.

The rear side of this set is inlaid with Mother of Pearl

The second set was made using Buddha relics and Tawaraawadee beads from the Tawaraawadee era

the ones with gold leaf on them are reputedly with gold leaf because of all the different temples used for the making of the amulets, the ones Somdej Dto placed at Wat Rakang were marked with gold leaf to differentiate that they were placed in Gru and blessed first at Wat Rakang before being put inside the chedi at Nakorn Panom
All sold out - No more expected.

To rent an amulet from me, you can use the safe payment methods included in the post, contact me using the contact Button provided, Or Phone +66886799251(Thailand).

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