
Merit Making - meditation tents for Dhamma retreats at Wat Koh Lanta - update!

2 Meditation tents already donated to Wat Koh Lanta, another eight needed for minimum goal.

First donations for the Tents for people to come and practice at Wat Koh Lanta came in from Mr. Rodin and Mr. Marc. Luang Por being the extremely diligent and conscious Monk that he is, did not wait for us to gather the projected goal of 20 thousand baht, rather took the little money which i had already passed on to him (4500 Baht) and bought two tents already.

He called me Yesterday to come and have a look, so i grabbed my Camera and thought i would take the opportunity to take a photo so you can see the tents we bought.

I hope this inspires more people to make a donation, for we need a minimum of another 8 tents (the original idea was 20 tents but we have dropped our hopes and think that ten should suffice at first).

We seriously need donations to buy more tents for the Temple in order to provide a comfortable opportunity for Westerners to come and practice outdoors in the temple and experience Dhamma and Vipassana Kammathana techniques.

Anyone who wishes to make a donation can either contact me or can make a direct Bank transfer to the account of Wat Koh Lanta. Put the word 'Tent' on the payment order so Luang Por knows what the donation is for. Please help this Meritorious cause.

Bank Details

Bank; Krung Thai Bank

Account Type; Savings account

Account No. - 9730039917


Account Name; Wat Koh Lanta

This is a Great Merit to help this Project, because it is directly involved with spreading Buddhism by allowing Westerners and Non-Thai speaking people to come and learn how Thai Theravada Vipassana is practiced in a Thai Temple in the real way, and learn how to Meditate in both Samatha and Vipassana methods, along with receive Dhamma teachings and stay in the temple.

Koh Lanta has many Foreign visitors and it would be nice to provide them with an opportunity to come and get to know the Dhamma. Please help Wat Koh lanta to reach the goal and purchase another eight tents for holding Dhamma retreat courses for both Thai and Foreign visitors.

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