
Jing Jok Sorng Hang Nam Choke - 2 tailed Gecko charm for riches and luck - LP Rit

Jing Jok Sorng Hang (two tail Gecko) magic charm for Luck in Love and Gambling, and to attract riches and good business. Made by Isan Master Luang Phu Rit Radtanachoto, Wat Chonlapratan, Buriram.

Only two of these hand carved 2 tailed gecko amulets left in stock - no more expected
Made from 'Khao Kwaay' (Buffalo Horn) - this makes the Gecko also possess power of Kong Grapan as well as Choke Lap and Kaa Khaay (sales).

Jing Jok Sorng Hang Nam Choke - 2 tailed Gecko charm for riches and luck - LP Rit
Kata Jing Jok Song Hang
Sittigijjang Sittiwaajang Sittigammang Sitti Dtathaakadto Sitti Dtaecho Ja Yonijjang Sittilaapo Nirandtarang Sittiwantaa Namaa Mihang Sappa Sitti Pawandtumae

Jing Jok Sorng Hang Nam Choke - 2 tailed Gecko charm for riches and luck - LP Rit

The below example is already sold

Price: 76$U.S. SOLD!

Luang Phu Rit 

Pra Kroo Intawarakun, or, 'Luang Phu Rit Radtanachoto - Abbot of Wat Chonlapratan in Buriram. LP Rit is a Master Gaeji Ajarn of the Isan country, who has many faithful devotees in both Thailand as well as International territories.
Read the full Biography and amulets of Luang Phu Rit here >>>

To rent an amulet from me, you can use the safe payment methods included in the post, contact me using the contact Button provided, Or Phone +66886799251(Thailand).
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