
Pha Yant Pra Narai Song Krut Luang Phu Ka Long Wat Khao Laem

Pha Yant Pra Narai (Vishnu) Song Krut (Garuda) - Sacred Yantra cloth with Vishnu Deity riding Garuda.

This Yant design is one of the most Powerful Yantra designs possible. It is also sometimes (rarely) applied as a Sak Yant Tattoo, but only certain people get lucky enough for the Master to agree to lay this image on the devotee. The Master will consider the mental tolerance of the devotee before deciding if it is fitting or safe enough to apply this Deity onto their skin.

People involved in professions that are punishing evil will do well to have Pra Narai guiding them and watching over, because Pra Narai helps the Human Race, and also is the Punisher and puts all wrongs back to right.

He always comes down to Avatar and to bring Justice whenever Evil walks the Earth. He is a Deity that will bring all qualities of blessings ranging from riches (choke laap) through protection (klaew klaad and kong grapan) up to charm and sales (Maha Sanaeh and Metta Mahaniyom power).

The Yant were made in 2550 BE. They have official stamp of the temple and numbered edition code. High quality cloth is used as is always the case with amulets and Wattumongkol from LP Ka Long.

Pha Yant Pra Narai Song Krut Chut Pised (Red) - Luang Phu Ka Long

Available in Yellow or Red.

Pha Yant Pra Narai Song Krut Chut Pised (Yellow) - Luang Phu Ka Long

To rent these, or any amulet from me, you can use the safe payment methods included in the post, (if provided), or contact me using the contact Button provided, Or Phone +66886799251(Thailand).
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