
Pra Narai Song Krut Payanak Lp Jom Wat Pah Ban Don Koo

Pra Narai Song Krut Chut Pised - Narai (Vishnu) riding on a Garuda seated on Naga
Made by Luang Por Jom of Wat Pah Cha Don Koo in Amnaj Jaroen.

Released in 2551 BE. Luang POr Jom is famous for his Metta Mahaniyom and 'Kaa Khaay' (business sales and trading) magic. Narai amulets are of course encompassing all kinds of blessings and protections, so are good for all purposes. Pra Narai will endow oyu with both Amnaj (power and commanding powers) as well as Metta Mahaniyom and Choke Laap (luck and popularity), and Kong Grapan Klaew Klaad (evade dangers and invincibility). Luang Por Jom amulets are not only known because of their power, they are also considered to be fine pieces of Buddhist Art, for they are almost always produced in a very high quality of detail and design.

Rear Face; Pra Nakprok

Coded Number on the bottom

Pra Narai Song Krut Payanak Lp Jom Wat Pah Ban Don Koo (Pink)

This edition is limited numbered edition with numbered code in the bottom of the amulet, this one being number 751 with the control code 10. The back face has Pra Nakprok on it (Saturday Buddha with seven headed Naga canopy). I have been searching for some of these amulets since 2 years as i once rented out another version of these amulets from the same year (Run Song Nam edition), and the amount of people inquiring was incredible. So i have finally managed to obtain a few of these amulets for distribution. Those of you who inquired can be pleased to know that i have obtained some of these amulets for you.

The amulet is available in Pink or White - a Green one was also made, but in the moment we can only offer Pink or White colors in stock. The Narai and Garuda are sprayed with gold leaf. Made from different sacred powders, varying depending on the color of the amulet.

Pra Narai Song Krut Payanak Lp Jom Wat Pah Ban Don Koo (White)

Narai Amulets in our Store

To rent an amulet from me, you can use the safe payment methods included in the post (if there is one), contact me using the contact Button provided, Or Phone +66886799251(Thailand).
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