
Pra Pid Ta Maha Lap Luang Por Kasem Khemago 2537 BE (Jumbo and small sizes)

Pra Pid Ta Maha Lap for great Wealth - LP Kasem - Sussaan Dtrailaks, Lampang

Amulet comes with free casing included in prices, as well as shipping per airmail registered delivery.
This particular example has a piece of Luang Por Kasems Civara robe attached to it, making it especially sacred for those who revere this Great Master with Abhinya powers.

Price; 70$U.S. 
Click here to view/purchase Pra Pid Ta Jumbo Nuea Pong Bai Lan LP Kasem Khemago >>>

I have another example without Civara robe but with a small silver Tagrud in the base.

I have been lucky enough to be able to find a couple more Pid Ta amulets from Luang Por Kasems famous 2537 edition. One in Jumbo and one in small size, which is perfect for children or ladies to wear. The smaller version can be seen in the below pics;

Pra Pid Ta Maha Lap - Luang Por Kasem Khemago 2537 BE (Plod Nee)

Price; 55$U.S.

Luang Por Kasem Khemago - Samnak Songk Susaan Dtrailaks, Lampang. A monk with great purity and renunciation whose amulets are revered by the people of Lampang Province, who believ he is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Kroo Ba Srivichai - the 'Meritorious One - Khemago'.
Pra Pid Ta Maha Lap for great Wealth is yet another great amulet by Luang Por Kasem Khemago that is extremely worth making Bucha to. Few Monks have showed such a high leverl of renunciation as LP Kasem, who left the title of Abbot, and his temple behind, and went to practice in an abandoned cemetery in simplicity and with diligence. he was so thin and is said that his food often went untouched, due to his disattachment with the bodily pleasures. Even His Majesty King Bhumipol Adulyadej visited and paid respects to Luang Por Kasem. Somdej Pra Sangkarach (the head Monk of the Royal Palace) often sat with LP Kasem to bless and empower amulets together. This Pra Pid Ta Maha Lap amulet for great wealth, luck and protection was made in 2536 BE. It is Jumbo Sized, and thus fitting for a man to wear. An estimable amulet from one of the Great Masters of this Century. Amulets from Luang Por Kasem are recommended by Thailand-Amulets.Net as a genuine Sacred amulet whose Maker is worthy of true Reverence, and whose Purity and Diligence in Practice as a Bhikkhu, is Undoubtable.
These amulets come with case included, as is the postage per registered airmail which can be tracked using our tracking button on the navigation menu.
Pra Pid Ta for great Riches, Fortune and Protection - Luang Por Kasem Khemago 2536 BE

To rent an amulet from me, you can use the safe payment methods included in the post, contact me using the contact Button provided, Or Phone +66886799251(Thailand).
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