
Tagrud Gampong Jaam Nang Ngad - Luang Phu In Wat Nong Meg

Tagrud Gampong Jaam Nang Ngad - Luang Phu In, from Wat Nong Meg in Surin.

Luang Phu In is famous for his Wicha of 'Gampong Jam Banhian Mian Jeuy'.
An ancient Khmer 'Dtamrap' (formula).

Short Biography; Luang Phu In Khema Taewo of Wat Nong Meg in Surin (82). 
As he was still a young man, he was already a Master of Wicha Maha Sanaeh (attraction and riches charm). As a layman he loved to practice Maha Sanaeh magic. When he ordained, because his inbclination was to make amulets, he sought out a dozen or more great masters to teach him their various wicha.As a layman he was the most successful in charming the ladies and chatting them up, which was the envy of all the other males of the area. This was because he had the special wicha of Maha Sanaeh. In 2497 he was ordained as a Bhikkhu in the Buddha Sasana, and still continued his search for Wicha Akom, travelling on Tudong to Cambodia and remained almost ten years practicing and learning various Wicha. He specialized in the Wicha of Maha Sanaeh, Metta Mahaniyom, Choke Lap, Kaa Khaay.

Amulets and Talismans: Simple Techniques for Creating Meaningful Jewelry The Complete Book of Amulets & Talismans (Llewellyn's Sourcebook Series) Amulets & Talismans for Beginners: How to Choose, Make & Use Magical Objects (For Beginners (Llewellyn's))

One of the many hundreds of spells he has mastered is to chant into plant leaves and powder them into 'Ya Maha Sanaeh' (attraction potion). There are two ways to make this, one being to mix it before making the spell casting, and the other is to mix it and make it into Nam Man Prai oil (known as 'Nam Man Prai Long Hon'), which has great power in Metta Mahaniyom and Maha Sanaeh. When Luang Phu makes Nam Man Prai, he will dry the leaves out in the sun first, and then pound them into a powder (some, not all). Mostly, Luang Phu will grind them with his own hand. Some of the herbs in the mixture include; Prai Ongkachaat. Prai Dam, Prai Jampa, and other important sacred or medicinal herbs. Some will be roughly broken up and laid out to dry, and others will be pounded into a pulp and dried out into powder.

Once the powder is dried and the mixing ceremony is to begin, then 'Look Sawaat' is also mixed into the ingredients. Then Luang Phu adds some Nam Man Prai Long Hon to the mixture, which makes the sacred powder of Luang Phu in used in his amulets an extremely potent Maha Sanaeh magic spell.
Tagrud Gampong Jaam Nang Ngad - Luang Phu In Wat Nong Meg

Kata Bucha Tagrud Gampong Jaam Nang Ngad

Om Siwalingk Home Khad Jad Mad Ma Ma Maa Maa Saraa Bparaa Bpaaya Bpag Ngaay Saraa Ber Ngak Ngak Sapaa Ber Ongkangaaya

Other amulets by LP In Paetch Payatorn, Paya Paetch Payatorn Paya Nga, See Pherng Gampong Lam, Pha Yant Jang Nga Paya Jang.

Kata for paetch payatorn, paya paetch paratorn paya nga, see pherng gampong lam, and pha yant jang ga paya jang;
Omang Om Nga Aehi Bpiyang Ma Ma Maa Maa Cha Maa Bpanja Wisu Maedtaa Chamaa Chamaa Mihang Saeto Pyaa Ngang Gangja

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