
Pra Somdej Wat Rakang Pim Pra Pratan 2540 BE (Chae Nam Montr prayer water)

Pra Somdej Pim Pra Pratan (Pim Yai) - Run 'Chae Nam Montr' (Soaked in Prayer water edition). Released in 2540 BE
Made from Pong Puttakun from various Master Ajarn, and broken pieces of old Somdej Dto Wat Rakang amulets. The amulets have recieved full 'Dtraimas' empowerment according to the tradition of amulet making of Luang Phu To of Wat Pradu Chimplee. Dtraimas blessins are normally three months (Dtrai meaning three and Mas meaning month in Pali), but LP To used to soak his amulets in prayer water for as long as three years, and constantly empower them with prayer and Jhanic meditation. This particualr example is very beautiful and has perfect markings as well as a nice quantity of sacred powder rising on the surface of the amulet, which increases the attractiveness f the amulet, and suggests a high amount of sacredness having caused the rather large amount of powder formation from soaking in prayer water.

You can see the Pong Puttakun rising on the surface of both faces of the amulet.

There is one tagrud scroll inserted into the bottom of the amulet.
This is a classic sacred amulet which anyone can wear with pride, and in the knowledge that this amulet has recieved a powerful and holy Puttapisek empowerment blessing. This is one of the things that you can always be sure about with Wat Rakang amulets

Comes with stainless steel case included, as is the registered airmail delivery.
Pra Somdej Wat Rakang Pim Pra Pratan 2540 BE (Chae Nam Montr prayer water)

To rent an amulet from me, you can use the safe payment methods included in the post, contact me using the contact Button provided, Or Phone +66840577350(Thailand).
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