
Pra Putta Chinnarat Bucha (Loi Onk) 3.7 cm base 6.3 cm high

This Chinnarat Buddha was consecrated over 50 years ago and has been the Bucha of Thai People in their home over the years, making this a true antique Loi Ongk statuette with a true history of usage.

Pra Putta Chinnarat Bucha (Loi Onk) 3.7 cm wide base 6.3 cm high
Ideal for the small Bucha altar or the travelling Buddhist who wishes to be able to erect an altar wherever they travel.

Original gold coating is still complete - The Bucha Statue is 3.7 cm wide base 6.3 cm high
This statuette is small enough to be able to make an altar in a hotel room, but is also of enough stature and magnificence to inspire whilst chanting and praying, meditating etc. Sacred Thai Buddhist item of worship of Excellence.

Pra Putta Chinnarat Bucha (Loi Onk) 1.5 inch base 3 inch high

To rent an amulet from me, you can use the safe payment methods included in the post, contact me using the contact Button provided, Or Phone +66840577350(Thailand).
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