
Pra Gru Pang Lila Run 25 Satawat - 25 Centuries of Buddhism 2500 BE

Pra Gru Pang Lila Run 25 Satawat (25 Centuries of Buddhism edition 2500 BE) - Nuea Din - third largest Buddha Abhiseka empowerment in Thai History

This amulet was one of a range of different amulets placed under one empowerment ceremony with hundreds of Master Guru Monks from all over Thailand and nearby present for the Puttapisek empowerment. The ceremony was to celebrate 2500 years of Buddhism, and is the third largest, most sacred and important empowerment ceremony ever held for Thai Amulets, after the 1st being Wat Mahabopit, second being the famous Indojin edition (Pra Putta Chinarat being the most famous of that edition), and 3rd being this 25 satawat Ceremony, which was of course held in 2500 BE.

Suitable for ladies and children as well as men. Pure Metta Mahaniyom, Serm Duang, Klaew Klaad, Kong Grapan, Maha Lap. All auspicious blessings in this amulet which has recieved such powerful incantations from such a massive number of Master Guru Monks, that the price of an amulet like this can only be considered to be extremely economical for its age, importance and sacred value, as well as magical power recieved from so many Masters.

The rear face has the three syllable kata 'Ma A U' embossed on it (Ma = Sangha, A = Buddha, U = Dhamma). Comes without casing.

A very Long List of Guru Masters were there. This list will be included in the page about this Historical event which is about to be published on

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