
Pra Rahu Nuea Gala (coconut shell) amulet to remove bad luck - Luang Phu Key Gittiyano - Wat Sri Lamyong

This Pra Rahu Deity in Coconut Shell for 'Serm Duang' purposes is made by Luang Phu Key of Wat Sri Lamyong. It is carved by hand from Nuea Gala Dta Diaw ( one eyed coconut shell). Serm Duang means to improve ones astrological alignments and influences and remove negative Karma and bad luck. This can ususally be done by worshipping Pra Rahu Deity. This edition is called Run Maha Sethee 10,000 Lan (ten thousand millions edition)

The amulet has a piece of Luang Phu Keys Civara robe pasted on the back, as well as a limited edition code number.

Price includes registered airmail postage. Comes in sachet from temple with card bearing LP Keys picture and 'Yant Gan Pay' on the rear face (Yant to ward of danger), with the official temple stamp.

Kata Bucha Pra Rahu

Gusaedto Ma ma Gusaedto Dtoraamo Ma ma Dtoraamo Kuyhamo Ma Ma Kuyhamo Kudt-dtimo Ma Ma Kudt-dtimo

Chant this as a Maetta Sutta for Pra Rahu, it is also Klaew Klaad (avoid dangers and inauspicious events), Maha Ud (gunstopper), and also prevents 'Rahu Saweuy Aayu' (Pra Rahu eating up your Fate and Destiny). Evil spirits and Demons won't dare to approach.

To rent an amulet from me, you can use the safe payment methods included in the post, contact me using the contact Button provided, Or Phone +66840577350(Thailand).
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