
Rian Sema Luang Por Phern Khee Suea (LP Phern riding Tiger) - Wat Bang Pra

Famous 'Sema' (Shield amulet - Pim Lek - small size) issued at the world famous Wai Kroo Festival of Wat Bang Pra. exact date of this famous classic amulet is unconfirmed. Authenticity is however confirmed to be original. This amulet received empowerments and blessings from Luang Por Phern himself, as he was still with us as this amulet was issued, making it a valuable authentic Luang Por Phern Magic amulet in every sense of the word.

Estimated to have been issued between 2538 and 2541 BE. The amulet is in 'Sema' shape (shield shape), and features Luang Por Phern riding a Tiger. Small in size can be worn by a woman or children, as well as men. An all time classic, which will be recognized all over Thailand and even around the world, by amulet lovers and those who revere Luang Por Phern, master of Sak Yant and Wicha Saiyasart Puttakun. Anyone at all would be proud to wear this amulet, which receives only reverence and respect from all Thai Buddhists. An amulet of this type is what would be called in Thai 'Plaad Mai Dai', meaning 'You can't go wrong'. You really can't go wrong with this amulet, which has intrinsic value.

The rear face of LP Phern riding tiger coin - sacred Na and Kata for riches

The rear face of the Coin features various Sacred Na and Yantra, with the magical Kata of Pra Chimplee (Pra Sivali), which brings great riches;

It says - "Na Chaa Lee Dti"

There are two more Kata on the rear face;
Pupaa Maa Naa Utto
Ga sa Na Tuu
Magical Properties; Puttakun, Maha Amnaj, Choke Lap, Metta Mahaniyom, Kong Grapan, Klaew Klaad, Serm Duang.

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