
Takrut Niang Salan - Luang Phu Jan

Takrut Niang Salan Saw Hlong Prai Nang Pom Horm 59 Dton -Ud Pong Takhor Kwan Chang Pong Pray - Luang Phu Jan Khantigo

Takrut Niang Salan - Luang Phor Jan Khantigo

Luang Phu Jan is back for 2554 BE with a new range of amulets and charm oils, of which this Takrut Niang Salan Sau Hlong is one of them.  The Takrut is made using the Wicha inherited from Luang Por Diar, who used a combination of sacred ingredients and powerful kata incantations that in conjunction with each other would complement and empower each other with concentrated Khmer Maha Sanaeh attraction magic and Metta Mahaniyom great Preference spell. Although a Unisex amulet, this Takrut is especially useful for ladies, and in addition is petite in size, allowing it to be carried very discreetly indeed.

Even normal people can get benefits from this complex adept Wicha , but those who have already entered the Vipassana Yana stages of development in Kammathana Vipassana practice, will be able to sense a strong magnetic field around the Takrut, which will be of great usability and the wearer will be easily able to direct the flow of the power to attract targeted goals, be it customers or lovers. The spell contained within this Takrut includes a hook spell which catches and retains any possible riches or potential flow of income or help, admirers, customers etc. It is a good for calling both possessions and a partner for life (remember, in truth, Buddhist love charms are not like occult ones, in the sense they are not for tricking people to sleep with you, rather to find the worthy wife or husband who will ive auspiciously as a couple within the Buddhist precepts, not for being a flirt with. The Thai Occult charms in contrary, do not always require this kind of rule to be kept).

The amulet is one of the eight kinds of amulets that the Prahm (Brahmans) nhave in their compendium. The elephant hook spell contained within the Takrut is a very ancient Brahman spell which even some of the Vedic Deities can be seen to use as a weapon
The hook which was used in the making of the Muan Sarn ingredients came from Luang Phu Diar, who has carried it on from the ancients who passed it down from Kroo to Kroo, each of the Khmer masters empowering it with their own Wichas before passing it on. Although this is a small Tagrud, it is in fact a true sacred and authentically magically empowered amulet, despite the fact it is so new.

The hook spell within the Takrut will pull any person towards you no matter how big (important) for the hook is an elephant hook,and will pull anything no matter what size or strength of resistance. Demons and Ghosts will not dare to approach either. The hook was said to have the power to send someone crazy if tapped on the head with it. Luang Phu Jan took the Hook and powdered it up into a fine dust and mixed it with enchanted herbs and substances according to Luang Phu Diars forumula for the Wicha to make this Takrut. The earth of seven cemeteries is used because it is earth powder that is from the spirit world, and brings the fastest results (some amulets are a little slow to work their spell).

He used then a thousand year old Khmer Maha Sanaeh spell to invoke and invite the 59 Devas using Pong Maha Phuudt Mueang Tom as their body to inhabit. The great thing about this spell is that it is auspicious because it does not force the Devas in any way, rather invites them to come and increase their merit by becoming Muan Sarn Aaathan (magical sacred powder) and inhabiting the Takrut to help Humans and protect the Dhamma.

Enemies will become friends, People will not wish to harm you, cuystomers will not dare to ask for a cheaper price, people will want to listen to you and like you..
Lovers will come easily, and you will be able to tune in and pull both people and possessions towards you.

Kata Takrut Niang Salan
Om Sanaemana Sanaemia Sanaepoom Sanaebpaaraa Bpreur An Grayom Kun Bpreur An Hong Gramome Salan O, Sahom Dtit Om Namoputtaaya Na Ma Pa Ta (chant three times)

The amulet is available with or without acrylic tube and closure.
SOLD OUT! (For Now)
Please View our other Takruts instead

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