
Tao Wesuwan (Deity of Riches and Treasure) - with sacred powders in base - Nuea Loha Athan - Pra Atigarn Jai

Blessed in a Major Puttapisek ceremony at Wat Sri Tosatep made from magical iron (Loha Aathan), with sacred powders and the invoked Deity within the base of the statue. 5 Cm high, 2 Cm wide at the flares of the pants.
Thai Amulet
This version of the Deity is with an Angelic face, instead of the usual Yaksa Asura face. This particular emanation is as the Lord of Wealth.Comes in original box from Wat Sri Tosatep.
Thai Amulet
This deity is the Deity of great Businessmen and Entrepreneurs, but also the helper of the Poor, preventing you from total bankruptcy, and always providing you with at least minimal funds.
If properly worshipped, can bring great wealth and power, as well as protecting from ghosts, demons and black magic.
The Muan Sarn mix is especially rich in sacred and magical metals, which is what you can usually expect from the Temple of Wat Sri Tosatep, whose amulets are both high grade sacred ingredients as well as fine craftsmanship with excellent artistic interpretation.
This is one of our favorite Taw Waes Suwan amulets, for its high quality forging and craftsmanship, and the extremely Sacred Puttapisek ceremony with great and pure Masters present which it was given.

The amulets of Wat Sri Tosatep can be considered of a similar grade as those from Wat Sutat, and although this temple is not such an internationally kown temple, it is a very important and respected one amongst the Thai Buddhist Sangha, that is known for its classic amulets which are of the eternal type which will survive all of the various fluctuations in popularity of amulets, to remain a classic beautiful piece of sacred worship for Generations to come. The design of Taw Waes Suwan on this piece is incredibly detailed and of great Beauty.

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