
Brahma Head for Metta, Protection and Wealth - 7 sacred metals and 5 Takrut with Garnets

Pra Prohm (Brahma) Head for Metta, Protection and Business - Nuea Radtana Loha - 5 Silver Takrut Dtreung Dtrai Pob and Ploi Ta Suea (Tiger eye stones)- Luang Phu Nong Radtanachodto - Wat Wang Sri Nuan

Brahma Deity protection and business increase pendant amulet for Success and Prosperity in Business, Profession and Social Status. Pra Pikanes is the Deity of Completion and Successfgul Accomplishment, and removes your Obstacles to enable and ensure your Success in your undertakings.

Like Ganesh, Brahma is not only a Deva, but also a Patron deity of various Professions. Brahma is however one of the Hindu Trinity and the Creator aspect. Brahma, or, in Thai, 'Pra Prohm', is also a great source of Metta and Protection. Brahma worship can bring both Metta Mahaniyom, Maha Sanaeh, as well as success and even protection. The Brahma Deity has four faces, and you will see this Deity house in all major public meeting places in Thailand, for it is believed that the Brahma Deity draws people from all four directions. This attracts customers to your shop, is therefore good for business.

Those wishing to increase their auspicious Fate (Horoscope improvement) and to recieve many blessings, protection and increase in Business, be more popular and recieve helpful treatment from others, are suited to the Brahma Deity amulet. Smnall and easily Portable. Suitable for Ladies as well as Men, due to smal size, and its soft Metta power, which is fitting for the fairer sex.

Blessed and empowered by Luang Phu Nong Tammachodto, of Wat Wang Sri Tong (Sra Kaew) in the.
LP Nong is a Master of Kasin Fai (Fire elemental empowerment) and a Master Ruesi of Great Prowess. His amulets are full of Metta with a strong and active Aura, a result of his most powerful Incantations and Evokation of Kasina magic. The amulet is made from Buea Chanuan Pised (pieces of ancient and sacred amulets, statues, yantra and other sacred metals).

The rear face is filled with sacred powders sealed with lacquer and 5 sacred silver Takrut 'Dtreung Dtrai Pob' spells inserted, with 'Ploi Ta Suea' (Sacred Tiger eye semi precious stones).
Luang Phu Nong
Luang Phu Nong Tammachodto - Wat Wang Sri Tong
Luang Phu Nong Tammachodto is the true Nephew of Luang Por Derm (Wat Nong Po) and recieved direct Wicha magical training from his Uncle. Luang Por Nongs amulets are both powerfully made according to the Wicha of Luang Por Derm, as well as having been designed and created by some of Thailands finest Buddhist and Brahman artistic craftsmen. A perfect combination of powerful sacred Buddha Magic and Beautiful aesthetic Religious Art.

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