
Stainless Steel Neck Chain flat elegant single link for one amulet - 25 Inches

Stainless Steel Neck Chain for Amulets - slim flat single link - for single amulet attachment - 25 Inches long - price includes postage
High Quality Stainless Steel single flat link elegant neck chain - a shorter neck chain for those who prefer to wear a single amulet that hangs higher on the chest than the longer, multiple amulet chains. The links are of good quality and strength and lay flat on the chest and neckline.

This kind of chain does not protrude much under the shirt, and is a more subtle and distinguished look, for those who wish to display (or even hide) a single amulet with a funely honed but unobtrusively elegant chain.

With this chain, you will have a subtly unobtrusive, but attractive retainer for hanging a single amulet. 

Stainless Steel Neck Chain for Amulets - flat single link - for single amulet attachment - 25 Inches long - price includes postage

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Stainless Steel Neck Chain for Amulets - thick gauge with sacred Yant Nam Tao and Khom spells - from 1 to 9 amulets 30 Inches long

Stainless Steel Neck Chain for Amulets - thick gauge with sacred Yant Nam Tao and Khom spells - from 1 to 9 amulets attachable 30 Inches long - price includes postage

High Quality Stainless Steel neck chain for up to Nine Amulets. Fancy interspersion of bars and rings make this amulet neck chain an Aesthetic compliment to the amulets which hang from it. Sacred Yantra and Ancient Khom Pali Agkhara lettering are embossed on the tubular stainless steel bars, which intersperse the rings of the chain.

This is one of three sizes, of the thicker gauge, which is Apt for Men - a large size chain for those who prefer a heavier and stronger mainframe for arrangement of up to 9 different amulets in one single magical and/or religious composition. There is an art to the placement of amulets, sometimes according to cosmological hierarchy, or even to compose a particular kind of magical spell with specific aims, such as business, love affairs, gambling, convincing orations, increase popularity, or even invincibility.

With this chain, you will have a full compendium of possibilities ranging from hanging your first single amulet, up to the addition of a total of nine amulets.

The story of your nine amulets, and how you came across them, and what they mean to you, will become part of the legend of your neck chain, and become an ever strengthening self reminder of the values and goals which you hold for important, and wish to devote your life to.

The Sacred Yantra embossed is the Yant Nam Tao (Yant Pra Putta Jao Ha Pra Ongk), which has all five different qualities of the five Buddhas, and five different kinds of blessings/protections within it.

Stainless Steel Neck Chain for Amulets - thick gauge with sacred Yant Nam Tao and Khom spells - from 1 to 9 amulets attachable 30 Inches long - price includes postage

A most fitting retainer for your amulets, and a very beautiful item in itself. It has Sacred Magical Incantations in Khmer Pali inscription within the yant design.

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Lek Lai Chi Ba Khaw/ Khai Muk Guan Im (White Lek Lai/Kwan Yin Pearls) Protective Wealth Bringer and powerful meditative tool

White Lek Lai, or Lek Lai Chee Ba Khaw is an extremely Rare Substance. It is a Kaya Siddhi element with a Deva inhabiting it. Its properties and miraculous powers are legendary both for their protective magic and the ability to increase luck and prosperity. Beware of Fake Items on Ebay, for there is a lot of faked Lek Lai products there.

Khai Muk Guan Im is a type of Element that occurs extremely rarely in Nature. The Tibetan lamas like to carry this with them, because they are found exclusively in caves in the Tibetan region, Chiang Tung (Myanmar), and in the Northern Region of Laos.

In Thailand, it is found in some of the deep mountain forests of the Northern Regions. White Lek Lai, or, Kwan Yin Pearls, like cold weather, thus possess an elemental force of coolness. Amongst its powers, are claimed to be the power of Klaew Klaad (evasion of dangers, enemies, fatal accidents), the power to disappear and reappear, and cannot be melted or stretched even with heat, unless the person trying to stretch it possesses the Wicha and Kata for coaxing Lek Lai into its liquid form. White Lek Lai also is endowed with the power to make magical things happen. It can grow, split and multiply or even shrink.

It is sometimes used in the making of other amulets as part of the composition, but this can only be successfully achieved if it is attempted by a Master of Wicha Lek Lai, and uses the correct Kata Akom to command the Lek Lai to bind with the amulet.

Kwan Yin Pearls can see the future and will know when its owner will die, and will disappear before it happens, to find its new owner or return to whence it came from.

Thai people call this Sacred  Magical Element by various names; Khai Muk Guan Im (Kwan Yin Pearls), lek Lai Khaw (White Lek Lai), Lek Lai Chee Ba Khaw (Buddhist Nun Lek Lai), Lek Lai Nam Neung, Khai Muk Tham (Cave Pearls), and 'Khai Hin Dtan' (blunt stone eggs)
You can order waterproof casing if wished at an extra cost.

Some Gaeji Ajarn call them 'Paya Ngu Phueak' (albino king snake). It is reputed to be an immensely powerful tool of focus for practicing Samadhi (meditating). It is believed to be a great auspicious blessing and luck bringer to carry it on your person or keep in the house.

In Geology, this substance possesses a density/hardness of 10 Moles, which is at least the same hardness or more, than diamonds!

They do not normally break if hammered or hit with a hard object, and cannot be cut. It is said to have the same power as pure Lek Lai Kayasiddhi elemental metals, and Saree Rikathat Buddha Relics. They are of course also very similar in appearance to the relics of the Lord Buddha himself, which results in this extremely rare substance being extremely sought after by devotees of the Lord Buddha, as well as Meditators, Lamas, Ruesi and praticioners of Yogic and Magical Traditions. It is a heavy substance and feels noticeably heavier than it should for its size.

Lek Lai Jet See - (7 colors Lek Lai) - Phu Ruesi Wiratataep Naka Taewa Sin

Sacred Lek Lai from Ruesi Wirata taep Nakaa Taewaa Sin
This kind of Lek Lai is called Lek Lai Jet See, meaning 'seven colored Lek Lai'.

It is a Kaya Siddhi element with a Deva inhabiting it. Its properties and miraculous powers are legendary both for their invincibility protective magic and the ability to increase luck and prosperity.

Size of this item is 1.8 Cm high x 1.5 Cm wide without case. This item comes with free stainless steel casing but you can order waterproof casing if wished at an extra cost.

Phu Ruesi Wiratataep is currently diligently working to build a massive Pra Sangjajjai statue at his location at Suan Badibat Tam Putta Mongkol (see below image - this is still a model and is still in need of funds to be built)

Phu Ruesi Wiratataep is a very respected and diligent practitioner of Ruesi-Ism and Buddha Magic whose Merits are visibly obvious seeing what he is building. His project is as large and worthy as that of many Sangha Monks and Temples, and this forest location of Dhamma practice is a wonderful cause to support by renting his amulets, we are happy to be stocking amulets from Phu Ruesi Wiratataep in order to help his fund raising.

The subject of Lek Lai and all the different kinds in existence is one of the topics explained in Buddha Magic Issue 5

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Rian Ba Chalu run Jaroen Baramee 89 - Luang Phu Kambu - Wednesday Birthday color enamel monk coin

Rian Ba Chalu Nuea Tong Khaw (white gold sacred alloy) - Long Ya Si Prajam Wan Gerd (Birthday color - Green/Wednesday) - Run Jaroen Baramee 89 (2554 BE) - Luang Phu Kambu - Wat Gut Chompoo - 499 made.
Thai Buddhist Amulet LP Kambu Monk Coin

Only 499 of these special Gammagarn Limited edition Birthday color amulet sets were made in this amazing edition of some of the most beautiful and finely honed masterpiece Monk Coin amulets to appear for a long time (in our opinion). Made from Tong Khaw (sacred alloy with silver and white gold mixed in). 'Long Ya' (luxury enamel finish in 7 colors - for the Auspicious colors of your birthday) This is a medium range amulet of the edition and is a perfect mix of luxurious finish whilst remaining affordable to most budgets.

LP Kam,buh Monk Coin amulets 89th Birthday

Click below to view or rent (purchase) this amulet; 
Rian Ba Chalu Long Ya See Prajam Wan Gerd Wan Put - Run Jaroen Baramee 89 - LP Kambu - Wat Gut Chompoo

A large number of different variations in various mixes of sacred metals and enamels. The major difference between the two different engineering methods used to press and constrict the amulets is that some of them are 'Pim Ba Chalu Long Lai' and others are 'Pim Ba Chalu Yok Chan', which have a separate raised outer frame and a separate Monk Image, which are then inserted and bound together after being made in separate processes.

If you were to ask which of the two kinds is better, it would be hard to answer, for each different variation offers attracvtive features, with its own personality and style. The choice ranges between different combinations of three sacred metals in one coin (which consists of three pieces fit together), to other of one or more sacred metals which also have been dipped and coated in Ya Rachawadee Luxury enamels.

As to the Sacred Value of this Fabulously Luxurious Amulet, Luang Phu Kambu is an 89 Year Old Arya Sangha whose magic power goes unquestioned, as well as his correct and diligent practice of the Vinaya making his purity an essential aspect of the miracle power of his amulets. Being a Reprasentative of the Lord Buddha in his stead, he is more of an image of the power of the Buddha Dhamma and Sangha to heal and free from suffering and Uplift people to a happier and more prosperous life, than to be deeply aligned with occult charms and the like. Luang Phu Kambu amulets are therefore the type of amulet fitting for the faithful Buddhist, who wishes auspicuous blessings and perhaps is an aficionado of fine miniature Buddhist art too.

As a collector, these amulets are a perfect addition to ones showcase, and as a Devotee of the Lord Buddha and his Teachings, this is a perfect Buddhist amulet and a reminder of how to live and practice to attain the greatest bliss.

Those who know and revere Luang Phu Kambu will also have a reason for wearing believing in and praying to this amulet. We cannot recommend this line of amulets enough, for they are worth every penny for their mastery of design and sacred value. Just to run the eyes over the design of this amulet is to know pleasure. Fine Sacred Buddhist Art for the Connosseur.

Read about all the different variations of this amulet; Run Jaroen Baramee 89 LP Kambu amulets

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Lek Lai, Rae Koh Larn, and Lek Lai amulets soon available

Upcoming on - Lek Lai and Lek Lai related sacred elements in crude and amulet form.

Amongst the types to be stocked are;
Lek Lai Paetch Dam, Lek Lai Jao Pah, white Lek Lai, Lek Lai Paya Nak,Lek Lai Jet See (7 colored),Lek lai Nam Neung(Lek Lai Bpeek Malaeng Tap, Lek Lai Jao Pha, Lek Lay Gotapee, Lek Lai Ngern Yuan,Lek Lai Chee Ba Khaw, Lek Lai Paetch Dam, and Lek Lai Tong Pla Hlai). Hin Koh Larn is also about to be stocked, which is famous for its amazing healing properties and to keep illness and danger at bay.

In addition, amulets from reputable masters and ancient Gru hiding place amulets with Lek Lai will also be added to the store, such as Pra Nakprok Lek Lai, Pra Somdej, Nang Paya, Sum Gor, and Pra Kring from Luang Por Hone of Wat Putai Sawan.

I also plan to add some of the Pra Gru Na Doon Sila Daeng Prataat Ngork amulets.
Above; Pra Gru Na Doon (Pra Nakprok Prataat Ngork)

Above - Lek Lai  Khaw (white Lek Lai)

Above; Lek Lai Hyod from Ruesi Wirata Taep Taka Sin

Above; Lek Lai Jet See (7 colored Lek Lai)

Above; Rae Koh Larn - sacred alchemical element from Koh Larn with healing and protective powers.

Lek Lai Jet See

Rae Koh Larn

Purchasing a piece of Lek Lai is not certain to be a success. For Whether an Evil person can possess Lek Lai is arguable, so even purchase of a piece does not guarantee that the Lek Lai will remain with you. Normally, Lek Lai will like to remain with those who meditate or practice the Sila (5 Moral Precepts), and those who have accumulated merit and are pure in heart. Please consider this, for although Lek Lai has the power to increase riches, if the heart is full of greed, then the Lek Lai will be wasted and will disappear and return from whence it came, and your money will be lost.

Lek Lai is inhabited by the consciousness and spirit of a Deva or Ruesi Siddha, and can perform many things of its own volition, including disappearing if the owner is not suitable for its goals. It will help those who like to make Merit, give alms, and practice meditation, and keep the Moral precepts. A gun can not fire in the presence of Lek Lai, for it has repulsion power for any kind of gunpowder. Do not however think that this can be used for personal ends to do evil deeds, to try this with Lek Lai would only result in something bad happening. However, for those who have Moral conduct, the Lek Lai is a most powerful and  Miraculous protector and luck bringer that will help its owner, and bring benefits in countless ways.

Lek Lai is one of the featured chapters of Buddha Magic Issue five with 25 pages of informative info about Lek Lai, and how to use and worship it. Buddha Magic Issue 5 is available as of 7th November 2011.

Screen Shots of Buddha Magic Issue 5

Buddha Magic Issue 5 - 140 page special Issue!

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Vishnu, Garuda and Nagas amulet black powders - LP Nong | Buddhist Amulets

Pra Narai Song Krut (Chut Pised) - Vishnu, Garuda and Nagas - Nuea Pong Dam Bad Tong - in Waterproof Casing - Luang Pu Nong Tammachodto - Wat Wang Sri Tong

Vishnu (Pra Narai), Garuda (Paya Krut) and two Nagas (Paya naak) are emblazoned on the front, empowered with the mind of the Deity by Luang Phu Nong, Master of 'Kasin Fai' magic.

The rear face features the Deity 'Pra Ram' (Rama), who is an emanation of the Vishnu Avatar. Two silver Tagrud are inserted. Pra ram is shooting an arrow from his Magical Bow.

Narayan Deity riding Garuda with Nagas

Magical Qualities; Maha Amnaj (Commanding Power), Gan Aathan (prevent Black Magic), Gan Phuut Phii Bpisaat (keep evil ghosts, demons and phantoms away), Metta Mahaniyom (preferential and compassionate treatment from others), Klaew Klaad (Evasion of Dangers), Kong Grapan (Invincibility), Choke Lap (Good Luck and Fortune, Riches).

Pra Narai Song Krut is good for people in Administrative of Commanding positions, or those who are in office, or in the military, Navy, Airforce (especially), Police, or even those in Special Ops. Pra Narai is the punisher of Evil and Protector of the Human Race and the World.

3.2 x 4.5 cm size - Comes with transparent waterproof case included.

Empowered during three months nightly empowerment from Luang Phu Nong and then given a final Puttapisek Ceremony for the 'Run Dtraimas' line of amulets from LP Nong Tammachodto.
Suitable for Men or Women, size and light in weight. In addition the detail on this amulet is delicate enough for a woman to wear. A man can also quite easily wear this amulet, for it is neither too large nor too small for either Gender.
Pra Narai Song Krut (Chut Pised) - Vishnu, Garuda and Nagas - Nuea Pong Dam Bad Tong - in Waterproof Casing - Luang Pu Nong Tammachodto - Wat Wang Sri Tong