
Takrut Narai Plik Fa Satan Paen Din - Vishnu + Garuda Takrut - LP Sakorn Wat Nong Grub

Pra Narai (Vishnu) Song Krut (riding Garuda Bird) Powerful Maha Amnaj, Metta, Gae Aathan, Kong Grapan and Klaew Klaad Takrut amulet - 'Samrej Prartana' (get what you wished for edition) amulet.

Blessed and empowered by Luang Por Sakorn of Wat Nong Grub. Issued at Wat Hor Tong (Prajinburi). Issued in Two (5 Inch and 3 Inch long) Takrut models. The Takrut are made from Sacred Copper Yantra Foil with 'Rak' (black Lacquer resin covering) and Golden Vishnu image embossed using the 'Long Lai Tong' method of application, which uses pure gold to apply the image.

The Wicha used for the making of the Takrut Narai Plik Fa Satan Phaen Din amulet, is rather like the famous Takrut Jakkapat Narai, in the sense that is a very powerful and rarely made Takrut, using a Wicha which only the most powerful Masters will dare to apply, and even then only on certain rare occasions.

Luang Por Sakorn is one of thes Masters, which is hardly surprising, him being the main prime inheritor/discipled apprentice to the great Luang Por Tim of Wat Laharn Rai, wose famous Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn amulets can be said to be the most famous of all modern Khun Phaen amulets, and Luang Por Sakorn is the current holder of this Master Wicha, and the Wicha for themaking of the famous and legendary 'Pong Prai Kumarn' sacred powders used in the best Pra Khun Phaen amulets.

Luang Por Sakorn has had the Compassion to use his famous name to issue this 'Samrej Prartana' edition (get what you wished for), to issue at Wat Hor Tong, in order to raise funds to complete the building of the Museum building there.

Luang Por is the Jao Kana Ampher of Prajinburi (The Bishop of the whole Province). Luang Por Sakorn is also the Prime Disciple and apprentice to Luang Por Jaad, who was one of the four most famous and powerful Masters of his time during the Indochina wars ("Jaad,Jong,Kong Ee" - Luang Por Jaad, Luang Por Jong, Luang Por Kong and Luang Por Ee

Comes in original box from the temple. Can be encased in tubular transparent casing with steel caps if wished

Takrut Narai Plik Fa Satan Paen Din - Vishnu + Garuda Takrut 2554 BE - Nuea Tong Daeng Chup Rak Lai Nam Tong (copper, lacquered, real gold image) - 3 Inches - LP Sakorn - Wat Nong Grub

Kata Takrut Narai Plik Fa Satan Paen Din;
Waa To-o No-o A Ma Ma Waa
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