
Daw Maha Lap Maha Pokasap

Daw Maha Lap Maha Pokasap (Lucky Star of Wealth and Good Fortunes) Pim C - Nuea Pong Maha Mongkol 6 Gemstone + 2 Takrut - Pra Ajarn Dtee Supajaro

Lucky Star with six gemstone inserts and two Takrut Pokasap/Mahalap spells inserted in the rear face. The Lucky Star is made from over 108 Auspicious Herbal Pollens and sacred flower ingredients, some of which we can list; Lotuses offered to the Buddha, Dor Koon, Dork Sanaeha, Dork Sawaat, Dork Rak, Dork wasana, Dork Gasaa, Dork Moke, Dork Marum, Wan Maha Sethee, Wan Nang Kwak, Wan Rang Ngern, Wan Rang Ruay Tong, Pong Ittijae, Pong Trinisinghae, Pong Maharach,Pong Wan Saw Hlong, Wan Ngern Hlai ma, Pong Aathan Gao Maha Amnaj, Pong Ya Sang Sanaeh.

Pra Ajarn Dtee collected these powders and magical wild flowers, pollens and herbs during the time he was wandering in solitary on Forest Tudong. He empowered the during the whole year using the Wicha Maha Lap Maha Pokasap, to increase the power of thes already magical and effective herbal powders. He used Ancient Khmer Manttras and Incantations which he learned and inherited from his Masters. Two Silver Takrut spells are inserted for Wealth Increase and Lucky Fortune; One Takrut Maha Lap and one Takrut Maha Pokasap.

Magical Properties;

Lucky Winner, Windfalls, Successful Venture, Rich from Your Efforts, Success and High Earnings in the Professional Life, Good Fortune in Social Engagements.

Bucha Method for Money and Professional Success

Paa Maa Naa Ugasaa Natu Sappataa Mangkasa Dtaechaena Sappa Sodthee Pawandtu Mae (chant Rhythmically to attain a trancelike repetition pattern until the mind becomes focused on the strong desire and calling effort to make Luck and Wealth come rolling in - visualize this happening and increase the feeling in your heart as you chant repeatedly). Chant as many times as it takes to enter a state of power, or until you feel that you have attained some connection with the amulet.

Bucha Method for Love and Fortunate Social Popularity

If use as Love Charm, Tap the amulet on something edible and chant the Kata (later give it to the person you wish to charm)

Then Chant;

Om Sivali Mokkalaanang Ja Saari Budt-dto Aananta Maano Ma Ha Thaera Wandto Jodtang Jidtang (say the name of the person targeted) Paamaana Swaa Hadti (Chant 7 Times)

Whilst Chanting, You must Visualize and Wish (will) as hard and focused as possible that you wish the person to love you.

Daw Maha Lap Maha Pokasap (Lucky Star of Wealth and Good Fortunes) Pim C - Nuea Pong Maha Mongkol 6 Gemstone + 2 Takrut - Pra Ajarn Dtee Supajaro

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