
Kumarn Tong Nai Long Tong (Prai Kumarn in Golden Coffin)

Kumarn Tong Nai Long Tong (Prai Kumarn in Golden Coffin) - Prai Powders and Funeral Earths + Prai Oil flask + 2 Takrut - Pra Ajarn Taep Pongsawadarn 2555 BE

The Kumarn Tong Nai Long is created in a Visually Attractive Manner, for those who prefer this to the Necromantic Look that is traditionally common with the Wicha Kumarn Tong. Dressed with the Classic 'Jong Graben' trousers, and laying inside its Coffin with Binding Cord Spells, a Phial of Prai Oil, and Takrut Spells inserted. The Coffin itself is covered on all sides with Khom Agkhara Spell Inscriptions, which have been given empowerments and Incantations by Pra Ajarn Taep Pongsawadarn.

Pra Ajarn Taep spent a whole Rainy Season performing Invocations and Chanting Incantations to call the Kumarn Tong Spirits which should be embodied by the effigies. The Coffins themself are filled with Powerful Muan sarn composed of Pra Powders and Herbal Pollens and Woods. Daay Joong Sop (cords for binding the hands of a corpse), Nam Man Aathan (Prai Oil), 2 Takrut Ngern (silver Takrut spells with Heart Mantras instilled), and 'Mai Fa Long Sop' (wood from the Coffin Lid).

Size; 8.8 x 4.8 Centimeters 

Pra Ajarn Taep was a Laymaster until his recent re-ordination iin 2011, as a Buddhist Monk, it is not known if this Ordination is temporary or permanent. Read biography here;  Ajarn Taep Pongsawadarn.

Kumarn Tong Nai Long Tong (Prai Kumarn in Golden Coffin) - Prai Powders and Funeral Earths + Prai Oil flask + 2 Takrut - Pra Ajarn Taep Pongsawadarn 2555 BE

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