
Phaen Yant Hneeb Rak Maha Sanaeh

Phaen Yant Hneeb Rak Maha Sanaeh - (Love Affair Binder) - Kroo Ba Dech Gittiyano (Kroo Ba Phii Glua) - Pha Cha Ban Ratanakosin

Takrut Hneeb Rak is a Powerful and Ancient Lanna Maha Sanaeh Spell for was made and empowered along with the Takrut Koo Rak Duang Sompongs during the same Auspicious Alignments. On this occasion, some supernatural events were witnessed.

When we think of the Takrut of Ancient Lanna magical Traditions of the North, the one which comes to mind most is the Yant Hneeb, which is a very Ancient and Traditional form of Takrut in the Northern Cultire, dating back for hundreds of Years. The word 'Hneeb' means 'to pinch or push together' or 'to grab tightly'. There is an insinuation of forcefulness and compulsory force in the word, which holds things together and prevents from falling apart.

A Binding Force, so to speak.Kroo Ba Dech originally would make these Takrut in single editin for his personal Looksit, but the effectiveness and power of the Yant was so great that those who had experienced such success with them, talked about it and word got spread around, to the popint where Kroo ba could no longer avoid the request to make more of these Takrut for all the Devotees who were asking. As is habitual with Kroo Ba Dech, for the preparation of the Takrut, he found the right auspicious astrological alignments and fitting moment for solitary empowerment in the dark of night, and laid out the 'Khant Kroo' offerings and Ceremonial Objects, for Bucha Kroo (Guru Poojah). He then performed Bucha Kroo and the Ritual for Inscribing the Sacred Yantra Spellsof the Wicha Yant Hneeb. As he performed the Incantations, a strong wind began to blow The whole cemetery and surrounding forest resounded with the sound of the Creatures of the Forest, small and large. They howled and cried out loudly all in unison, and then suddenly, all stopped in the same moment.

In both cases of both the Takrut Yant Hneeb and the Takrut Duang Sompongs, Kroo Ba Dech then inscribed a set of two different heart Mantras on each of the two Yantra fols to be bound into one single Takrut (for indeed both the Yant Hneeb and the Yant Duang Sompongs consist of two foils/spells). One side was made bearing the 'Hua Jai Chay' (heart of a Man) spell, and the other side bearing the 'Hua Jai Hying'.

Kroo Ba performed this long winded and difficult to complete Ceremony and Inscription of Takrut Spells, only to make a few each time he found such an occasion and Circumstances for empowerment at the hjighest level, resulting in him only making ten or twenty Takrut per session. It thus took him many months of continuously seeking the forest cemetery to perform the making of and empowerment of these Takrut. The Takrut is a Wicha using tow separate Yantra Spells which are bound together, to seal and deliver the perfect everlasting Love Affair and Relationship possible. The Yant are folded to face each other and entwine with each other, as do the Yin and Yang principles.

This takrut can be used to immerse in Prayer Water or Holy Water bowl and use the water to wash your face, or to spray on your wares for selling. The water will possess Metta mahaniyom (induce Bias and Preference in your favor in the hearts of others), and Maha Sanaeh (attract interest and desire in the hearts of the opposite sex), attracting customers, sales, prosperity and admirers.

If you wish to Bucha according to the Ancient ways, then you must perform special Bucha on Mondays (Maha Sanaeh day); Use two 'Bai Rak' leaf (Crown Flower, Giant Indian Milkweed), or Bai Po (Bodhi leaf) which are attached to a branch facing the East, and hold it in your hand (whilst still attached to the tree), and pay reverence in your heart first, to the Deva spirits who guard the Tree. Then chant 'Namo Tassa Pakawadto Arahadto Sammaa Samputtassa' 3 times, and then pull the leaf from the branch in one single motion. Then take the two leaves, and write your own name and surname on one leaf, and the name of the person you wish to charm on the other leafe. Then, take the two leaves and place facing each other (names facing) and insert them between the two halves of the Takrut Hneeb. If it is a Lover, they will be unable to stop thinking about you. If you already live together, it will bind and strengthen the affair. If it is a Boss or an Enemy you wish to charm, the Boss will favor you, or an Enemy will be converted into your Ally.

The following Kata is the same to be used for both the Takrut Hneeb rak and the Takrut Duang Sompongs, whose functions are extremely similar.

Kata Bucha Takrut Hneeb Rak/Koo Rak Duang Sompongs 

Om Jidt-Dti Jidt-Dtang Jidt Manussaanang Bpurisaa Idthiiyang Om Prohmma Jidt-Dtang Bpiyang Ma Ma Maa Maa 

Woman or Man seeking another Man should use;

Om Jidt-Dtang Bpiyang Ma Ma - (then say the Name and Surname of the Man) - Bpuriso Jidt-Dtang Bpiyang Ma Ma 

Man seeking a Woman should use;

Om Jidt-Dtang Idthiiyo - (then say the Name and Surname of the Woman) - Pakinimae Jidt-Dtang Bpiyang Ma Ma 

For complete and effective results, Thai people in Olden Times would perform the following Kata;

Om Nang Kwak Nang Gwaeng Khaen Gwaeng Ao Saw Maa Ner Nang Ner Maa Rew Maa Rak Gan Roi Hmeun Dter Saen Wan Gor Hai Maa Haa Goo Nuea Nang Haag Yuu Fark Faa Gor Hai Maa Haa Guu Ner Nang Ner Nang Haag Yuu Hlaay Mae Nam Khan Saen Wang Gor Hai Laen Maa Haa Guu Teu Ner Nang Ner Nang Haag Yuu Nork Faa Lae Daen Gaew Gor Hai Maa Haa Guu Ner Nang Ner Nang Haag Yuu Wiang Jan Lae Larn Chaang Gor Hai Maa Haa Guu Tae Teu Ner Nang Ner Nang Haag Yuu Chwaa Lae Siam Raat Gor Hai Maa Haa guu Tae Teu Ner Nang Ner Nang Haag Yuu Bajchim Jantaburi Lae Kha Mae Gor Hai Maa Haa Guu Tae Teu Ner Nang Ner Nang Haag Yuu Tidt Talaa Narm Lae Hua Khong Gor Hai Maa Haa Guu Tae Teu Ner Nang Ner Nang Haag Yuu Mueang Hongsaa Luang Lae Mueang Thai Lae Mueang Pamaa Gor Hai Maa Haa Guu Tae Teu Ner Nang Ner Nang Pra Silanaeho Om Bpita Om Bpiyaa Maa Yuu Hyong Sorng Dtraab Khang Guu Bpen Dang Chaang Jet Larn Jet saen Bpen Dang Wimaan Gao Sip Jet Hong Maa Yuu Hyong Haeng Dta Guu Tae Teu Ner nang Ner Om Aehi Aehi Maa Ma Aehi Aehi Bpiyang Maa Ma Om Didt-Dta Jidt-Dtang Phuug Jidt Phuug Jang Bpiyang Ma Ma Om Hihangsa Swaahum Na Ma Pa Ta Na Mo Put Taa Ya

Chant 7 Times, Blowing on the Takrut each of the 7 Times.

The Lanna People have used the Yant Hneeb for Centuries to assist in various tasks;

To Bring back Husbands or Wives who are drifting away or being Unfaithful

To Improve sales and bring in a Constant Flow of Business.

To get rid of Enemies by Making them become Allies

Once Names have been written within the Yant Hneeb, it can be carried on your Person, or placed under your Pillow, or under the base of the Buddha statue on the Altar.

 It is forbidden to Use the Takruts Magic to harm others or bring Sadness and Suffering with.

Phaen Yant Hneeb Rak Maha Sanaeh - (Love Affair Binder) - Kroo Ba Dech Gittiyano (Kroo Ba Phii Glua) - Pha Cha Ban Ratanakosin

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