
Khun Phaen Hardcore (Uncensored) Chae Nam Man Prai (Prai Oil)

Khun Phaen Hardcore (Uncensored) Chae Nam Man Prai (Prai Oil) Pim A 'Ongk Kroo' with Real Diamond - no strings Gambling Love and Riches Sorcery spell - Ajarn Taep Pongsawadarn<

It is not possible to list and describe the secret ingredients for this Amulet, which has over a thousand different extremely rare and difficult to create sorcerous subtsances. Only 'Chan Kroo' (Master Adept level) Muan Sarn was used, some of which are very secret. This is the very last edition of Khun Phaen that Ajarn Taep made. The front face features a skull with real human hair empowered with the spirit of the Prai ghost. A necromantic spell is inscribed on the forehead of the skull. the eyeholes are filled with two green gemstone eyes. Each amulet may differ in which color or type of Gemstone or crystals it has in the eyes, and also int eh spell and Yantra Inscriptions on the surface of the casing. This makes each and every amulet a one of a kind hand made amulet, given personal attention to its creation. This is Pure Prai Magic at its most Powerful. In this edition, two different versions were made, this luxurious, and highest priced Pim A 'Ongk Kroo Nam Rerk' version, which was with extra (secret***) ingredients, gold leaf pasting, real diamond insert, and 3 Takrut spells stuffed inside, and the Pim B, with one Takrut and Gemstone eyes, and Prai Luead.

The rear face features a Buddha in the form of the Pra Khun Phaen arched amulet, seated in meditation. The Khun Phaen is covered in gold leaf, and has a real diamond inserted into the middle of its chest. The amulet is immersed in powerful Prai Oils. Sacred Spells are inscribed upon the amulet casing.

The amulet has been empowered by various other Great Masters of the Era, including Ajarn Oe Putto Raksa, Ajarn Uan Hmor Phii, Ajarn Wira Taep Yan Kroo prasit, Ajarn Waes (Ruesi Waet), Ajarn Tira Dech Gantadong, Ajarn Pornsit (Wat Sawang Arom) Ajarn Amnaj Maha Wiro, and Ruesi Putta Waet Khematewo.For the number of Top Masters who have performed Incantations and Emmpowerments upon this Amulet, there remains little reason to doubt the powers of this edition in any way.

Kata Bucha Khun Phaen Hardcore

Om Kaluk Kaluk Guu Sib Luk Hai Luk Galuk Guu Sib Luk Hai Nang Ganang Pra Kruu Guu Sang Luk Laew Maa Bpai Om Bluk Bpluk Luk Luk Saek saek Montr Mahaa Sanaeh Sahaay Perk Na Ma Pa Ta - Aehi Jidt-Dtang Manussaanang - Jidt Haeng Manus tang Hlaay Jong Gluean Gon Lon Gan Maa Ullum Hum Guu - Om Sahom Dtidt Hai Man Dtidt Bpaan Dtang Hai Man Jang Bpaan Buong Om Sahom Dtidt (Chant 3 times).

Ajarn Taep Pongsawadarn - one of Thailands Most Prominent Lay Masters, whose Wicha and Amulets are in great demand in both Thai and Foreign Shores. His amulets are made by hand and in small numbers, usually only in single edition. Ajarn Taep was a Laymaster until his recent re-ordination as a Buddhist Monk, it is not known if this Ordination is temporary or permanent. Read biography here; Ajarn Taep Pongsawadarn

Khun Phaen Hardcore (Uncensored) Chae Nam Man Prai (Prai Oil) Pim A 'Ongk Kroo' with Real Diamond - no strings Gambling Love and Riches Sorcery spell - Ajarn Taep Pongsawadarn

Khun Phaen Hardcore (Uncensored) Chae Nam Man Prai (soaked in Prai Oil) Pim B - no strings Gambling Love and Riches Sorcery spell - Ajarn Taep Pongsawadarn

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