
Phu Jao Saming Prai - Nuea Pong Phuudt Gwa 70 Dton

Phu Jao Saming Prai - Nuea Pong Phuudt Gwa 70 Dton (70 Ghosts Ancient Prai Powder) + Takrut Sam Kasat (Triple Takrut Bronze, Silver, Gold) - Pra Ajarn Oe Putto Raksa



Pra Ajarn Oe has made these Phu Jao Saming Pra Tiger Face Ruesi amulets using Ancient Muan Sarn Prai Powders gathered by and inherited from the Great Khmer Master 'Ajarn Graem' of Ban Ber Grian. Empowered with Wicha to Invoke the Ruesi, with the turning of the four elements and the Akarn 32 Kata for Reanimation Spell. A Triple Takrut Sam Kasat is inserted in the rear face of the amulet, which is Traditionally Hand Pressed according to Ancient Ruesi Traditional Methods.

The Sacred Powder is immensely rich in Prai Content, with Prai Powders from over 70 different Phuudt Spirit Ghosts. Immense Maha Sanaeh Attraction Power comes from the course concentrated Prai Powders and Invocation of the Tiger faced Ruesi Phu Jao Saming Prai.

The front face features Boroma Kroo Ruesi Phu Jao Saming Prai (Ruesi Hnaa Suea), sat on his Meditation Throne, flanked by two Skulss (Prai Grasip), which are the foretellers of Winning Streaks and Lottery, and Order the Ruling Devas of Gambling Tables to throw things in Favor of the Devotee wearing the Amulet. This Amulet is thus Triply Useful as 1. A Bucha Item for Devotee of Tiger face Ruesi, 2. Maha Sanaeh Spell for Love Charm and Attraction and 3. A Gamblers Amulet to Induce Lucky Streaks and Winning Hands.

The Rear face has an Ancient Sacred Na Spell Inscription ('Na Dtalok'; a Swastika Like design dating back to Early Vedic Times that has been used as a Powerful Maha Sanaeh spell and Inducer of Prosperity since Thousands of Years, and is one of the Inherited Ancient Magical Spells still used by the Thai Ruesi in the Sacred Geometry of Yantra).

Ruesi Phu Jao Saming Prai (Hnaa Suea)

This Ruesi Hermit Sage, is also known as Boromakroo Jao Saming Prai. In Thai, his real name and title is ‘Taw Himawat’ (ท้าวหิมวัต) The famous master monk Hlwong Phu Ga Hlong (currently famous for his amulets), uses this ruesi as his mentor.

Kata (mantra) for Ruesi Hnaa Suea (tiger head Ruesi)

Oem Rue Reur (Leu Leur if you like), Mahaa Rue Raa Payakkae Payakkoe

Ittirittae Ittirittoe Sirae Sirae Kuroe Kuroe Yaadoe Bpen Man Naa Ham

Guu Diar Bang Giar Doer Doer

Alternatively, or in Addition to the previous Kata;

Ugaasa Imang Akkee Paahu Bpub-Phang Ahang Wantaa Aajariyang Sappa Sayyang Winaasandti Sitti Giriya Abpa Rabpa Chaa Imasming Pawandtume

Tudtiyambpi – Ugaasa Imang Akkee Paahu Bpub-Phang Ahang Wantaa Aajariyang Sappa Sayyang Winaasandti Sitti Giriya Abpa Rabpa Chaa Imasming Pawandtume

Dtadtiyambpi – Ugaasa Imang Akkee Paahu Bpub-Phang Ahang Wantaa Aajariyang Sappa Sayyang Winaasandti Sitti Giriya Abpa Rabpa Chaa Imasming Pawandtume

Pra Ajarn Oe Putto Raksa is a Major Influence in Leading Position in the new movement of Thai Occult Amulet makers, with a vast array of original and powerful amulets made with Ancient Traditional Wicha, and presented in a very personal and original fashion. fast becoming an Internationally Preferred Ordained Master for Thai Occult Charms. His amulets are always changing and released in small Numbers, making each edition a Rarity and a Sacred Object which can only increase in Value both Spiritually and Materially.

Pra Ajarn Oe, whilst still in his Prime, has now proved himself to be an adept of more Master Wicha than many Ajarns can Master in a whole lifetime. With still a long Future ahead of him, and considering the very small numbers made of his original ancient method hand made amulets, we can expect his Trajectory to become one of those which become legendary, and that his amulets will be both revered and treasured for many Future Generations to come. Their value is expected to increase steadily and rapidly as each edition is released, is snatched up by his many Looksit, and disappear from the Marketplace. His amulets are made in small quantities, remaining faithful to ancient Magical traditional substances and empowerment methods.

Phu Jao Saming Prai - Nuea Pong Phuudt Gwa 70 Dton (70 Ghosts Ancient Prai Powder) + Takrut Sam Kasat (Triple Takrut Bronze, Silver, Gold) - Pra Ajarn Oe Putto Raksa

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