
Kumaree Ghost of Little Miss Ueay with Real Ghost Hair, Chin Aathan, Gems, Bone, + Prai Oil - Pra Ajarn Taep

Kumaree Noo Ueay 'Ongk Kroo Pised' (Ghost of Little Miss Ueay) Liam Nam Man - Real Ghost Hair, Chin Aathan, Gems, Bone, Chin Aathan + Prai Oil 3 Inches x 2 Inches - Pra Ajarn Taep Pongsawadarn 2555 BE

This 2555 BE edition of Special Comission Kumaree Hnoo Uean female Kumarn Tong were awaited with such Great Expectancy that they were all sold out immediately after release, with only pre-orders being accepted - however many were ordered is how many were made. Luckily, we were amongst those who were allowed on the list to apply for some.The Kumaree were made according to an Ancient Wicha found in the pages of an extremely old Parchment Grimoire of Isan Sorcery which explains how to make a Female Kumarn (Kumaree) Tong and invoke the Spirit of a Deva within it. The Wicha calls upon the Deva Kumaree to protect you who care for the welfare of the Kumaree from Dangers and Evil, Black Magic and Inauspicious Events, and to Cultivate Prosperity and Increase Material Wealth.

The Ancient Wicha within the Grimoire states that one must find 'Graduk Kumaree' of Prai Ghost who passed away on a Saturday and was Cremated on a Tuesday, and powder it with the earth from the middle of a Cemetery. This should then be used as Muan Sarn for the clay to mold the Kumaree image. Incense is lit then to raise the Khant Kroo and invoke the five Khandas, 32 Baht in coin money being offered as Bucha to the Kroo, and to represent the 32 Components opf a Living Human Being. The Incantations and Empowerment (Pluk Sek) was given by Invocation of the Four Elements (Plu Taat See), and the Kata Akarn Sam Sip Sorng (32 Components of a living Human) was performed until Reanimation of the Kumaree Spirit and its Mind's entered into the pieces of Chin Aathan and the Bone powders. Despite the large size of the Amulet, and the fact that it can be used by Man or a Woman, it is a most recommendable amulet for Ladies to Bucha, as the female spirit of Nong Ueay as a Spirit-World Adopted Daughter is definitely a powerful collaboration for the famous Mother-Daughter bond which can be achieved when working with a Kumaree Prai Deva Spirit. Perhaps for Men too, the Father-Daughter bond is also a very powerul Spiritual Bond which can be achived if the Man who performs Bucha is attuned to this type of relationship. In both cases, can work wonders if performed with Sufficient Rapture, Dedication, and Tenderness.

Once the Kumaree's Mind had entered the Chin Aathan Nong Ueay, the Kumaree were then empowered with Bangsugun Bpen and Bang Sagun Dtaay, which is a Ceremonial Ritual of 'Maranussadti' (Contemplation of Death). You can see the Thai Sangha performing this Ritual as an example in the below Video Clip (not related to this edition of amulets). it involves sleeping in a Coffin as part of the Meditative Contemplation.

After the Bangsagun Bpen Bangsagun Dtaay Ritual was completed, the Kumaree were 'laid to rest' again first, as Pra Ajarn Taep then Inscribed Takrut upon the Coffin Lids, using Yantra of the Choke Lap (Luck and Windfalls) variety (the Sacred 'Na Kin Bo Liang'). He inserted this along with a small phial of 'Nam Man Prai 108', a mixture of many different powerful Prai Oils which Pra Ajarn Taep has made and also collected from his Masters over the Years, and mixed together into one Mega Powerful Potion, and Re-Enchanted with additional Wicha of the Kumaree. He inserted pices of 'Mai takian Sorng Roi Pi', a Sacred 200 year old Takian Tree with a Mae Takian Ruling Deva Spirit inhabiting. Sacred stones from the bottom of the Mekong River were inserted, Ploi Sek (Enchanted Gemstones), a 'Look Om Sam Prai' (Holy Sacred Powder Ball with bone powder of three Prai Ghosts), was also embedded in the rear face of the Kumaree. One piece of 'Chin Aathan Nong Ueay' Ghost Bone was then also Inserted and the Final Invocations were made to Bind the Spell. The Kumaree Nong Ueay was then immersed in Nam Man Look Krok, to charge up the power of the Prai Magic within the Kumaree and increase its range and effects, and was then encased in sealed waterproof acrylic bubble casing.

The Kumaree is a rather large pendant at 8 x 5 Centimeters.

To ensure the Power of this Kumaree, another three Empowerment Ceremonies were performed in Sacred Places of Power; In a Cemetery in the Dead of Night, in the Uposadha Shrine Room, and underneath the Funeral Pyre Building. The Empowerment of the Kumaree was then complete.

A True Master Piece Amulet of the Ultimate in Modern Prai Kumarn Sorcery from Pra Ajarn Taep Pongsawadarn, Currently one of the Top 5 Leading Masters in Thailand for Necromantic Sorcery.

Kumaree Noo Ueay 'Ongk Kroo Pised' (Ghost of Little Miss Ueay) Liam Nam Man - Real Ghost Hair, Chin Aathan, Gems, Bone, Chin Aathan + Prai Oil 3 Inches x 2 Inches - Pra Ajarn Taep Pongsawadarn 2555 BE