
Pra Rahu Eclipse God - Nuea Maekasit (Alchemical Metal) - Por Tan Kloy

Taep Pra Rahu 'Run Chana Marn 2555 BE' (Conquering Mara Edition) Historic Event in Khao or History - Nuea Maekasit (Alchemical Metal) 1st Smelting #364 - Por Tan Kloi - Wat Phu Khao Tong (Pattalung)

Taep Pra Rahu Plik Chadtaa Pratan Choke Lap (Rahu turning Fate around and Bestowing Good Luck and Fortunes).

The Conquering Mara Edition of Rahu Amulets from por Tan Kloi were included in two Putta Pisek Taewa Pisek Empowerment Ceremonies and is an edition which is of Great Historical Importance for the Lineage Masters of Khao Or Southern Magical Arts. First empowerment was held in Ubon Ratchatani with a host of Isan Masters, and then again in the South, with the Khao or Masters present. This version is made in Nuea Maekasit, one of two similar Ancient Alchemical Alloys used for Sorcery, the other being 'Nuea Maekapat'. Nuea Maekasit is obtained by Alchemically smelting Iron Artifacts, with Mercury as the main base Magical ingredient, and performing Elemental Invocations until the structure of the metal changes, and becomes a sacred Metal of Alchemical Nature. Alchemy and Metallurgy are combined here as one facet of the various aspects of empowerment of the amulet. The Makasit and Maekapat Sacred Alchemical Metals are not only especially apt for channelling Magical Forces, but also is a preferred substance for aesthetic reasons; Namely, that the surface of Nuea maekasit, when boiled and transformed Alchemically into its final state, takes on a reddish-black fiery tone, that is matt finish, with the interior of the metal more whitish or purplish, often looking like the interior is filled with Silvery Lek Lai. If you place the metal in water, it changes color, and also with passage of time, the color and textures of the metal change color. It has the reputation of being able to 'Hnun Duang Chadtaa' (improve Karma and Horoscope, Luck, Fortune, Destiny and Fate). It is also reputed to be able to forewarn of Dangers or Enemies. As a sacred metal for the Creation of Pra Rahu Amulets, the Nuea Maekasit is thus perhaps the most Apt and Effective material to use for this type of Amulet.

The color of the metal can vary, because this is the Nature of Nuea Maekasit Alchemical Metal. However, the Nuea Sadta Loha versions were also truly differentiated in color and sheen due to eight different Smelting Ceremonies, with different results frome each smelting.

Different smeltings were recorded and documented for future recognition of which smelt the amulet came from (for competition purposes - the amount of documentation and attention to details given to this edition shows strong signs of high collector value in the Future and competition status).

First (only) Batch - number 364

The amulet is composed of two pieces, face and rear, bound together. Authenticity Code and Number is embossed in Chinese on the forehead of Pra Rahu.

The amulets were made in various Sacred Metals and Powders and empowered in two Major Putta Pisek Ceremonies, along with some Hun Payont Soldier Amulets, some very rich sacred powder Pid Ta amulets in special edition, and a set of Pra Kring and Pra Chaiyawat Loi Ongk Buddha statuettes in Sacred Metals, and some Por Tan Kloi image coins.

This particular version is made from Nuea Maekasit - Alchemical Substance made using Ancient Khmer Sorcery to transform Mercury into a hard substance. The metal front face is bound to a Sacred Powder rear face.

The rear face has a 'Met Kring' (the same Magical Bead that is inserted into Pra Kring amulets), some of Por Tan Kloi's hair inside, and some Thai Paper Money stuffed within the amulet (not visible in this case). The number of the edition and smelting code on a copper foil is also attached. the first number indicates which of the smelting sessions the amulet belongs to (in this case, 1 of 2 sessions). The second symbol is the Sigma Code stamp of authenticity, and the last number is the personal code number of each amulet (141 - 501 possible numbers of 360 amulets)

Size; 3 Cm x 2.5 Cm

Each amulet has an individual numbered code stamp and individual blessing with gold powder. The amulets received an intensely powerful Blessing on both occasions. 501 amulets in all were made in Nuea Maekasit, numbers 01 - 140 being unpolished matt finish (Phiw Fai), and were only included in the Solid Gold Gammagarn Masterpiece Collector sets. Numbers 141 - 501 (360 Amulets), were given partial polish (Khad Ngao Bang Suan ), leaving each amulet with a finely honed individual finish and surface texture, rich in color variation and depth.

This varied color and tone effect was also achieved with the 'Nuea Sadta Loha' (7 Metals) versions lower down in the series, which were made in separate smelting ceremonies, each smelting resulting in different finishes.

Above; the eight different resulting surface sheens emerging from the eight smelting sessions of the Sadta Loha version of Pra Rahu Amulet.

Each block press or smelting round was recorded and the resulting amulets and surface finishes were also recorded, which is a sure sign of these amulets being accepted and extremely sought after in professional collector circles and high end amulet collector scenes in the Future.

This Edition was made and recorded in the annals of Thai Khao Or Sacred Cave Magical Lineage History with a double Empowerment, first being performed with an array of the Best Masters of the Isan Magical Lineage and then on the second Empowerment Ceremony, in the Presence of the Current and Remaining Older Gemneration Khao or Masters of the Southern Magical Lineage.

The presence of these Important members of Khao Or Magical Brotherhood all joining hands to empower these Pra Rahu, Hun Payont and Pra Kring Amulets will be an event that becomes part of the Historic and centuries Old Legend of Khao Or Sorcery for the Official Empowerment Ceremony of these Powerful (and Highly Collectible)Classic Amulets. Pra Rahu is Prayed to by Thai Buddhist people to reduce the Ill Fate and Bad Karmic effects, for it is rahu who resides in the Darkness and sends bad luck to our Astrological Line of Fate. By Appeasing (with Offerings) and Praying to Pra Rahu for Mercy, we can reduce his Wrath and Increase his Metta towards us, in turn Increasing our Luck again.

For Gamblers, Pra Rahu is an essential Deity to keep Appeasing so that Bad Luck streaks do not set in for too long. For the year 2012, Almost Everybody should Bucha Pra Rahu, especially after the Eclipses which were Occurring.

Por Tan Kloi is a Master of Khao or Magic, whose Fame for making Powerful Hun Payont Soldier Ghost amulets is heard of Worldwide. His Hun Payont is revered by a multitude of people from a large number of different Nations, from Indonesia to USA

Amulet Comes with original Temple Box - Can be Encased if Desired

Most amulets in this edition sold out by pre-order before they were even blessed and released, and are very difficult to find already, for which reason we are very pleased to be able to provide some for our customers.

Taep Pra Rahu 'Run Chana Marn 2555 BE' (Conquering Mara Edition) Historic Event in Khao or History - Nuea Maekasit (Alchemical Metal) 1st Smelting #364 - Por Tan Kloi - Wat Phu Khao Tong (Pattalung)