
White Snake Goddess (Masterpiece Version) - sacred Powders with snake skin Takrut, Gems, Prai Oil - Ajarn Wirathep

Locket Nang Paya Ngu Khaw (9 white Snake Demon Seductress) Pim Yai Ongk Kroo (Jumbo size master Piece version with Snake Takrut, Gems and Prai Oil Flask) # 75 - Ajarn Wirataep - Only 99 made

Nang Paya Ngu Khaw - 9 Headed white Snake Lady (Phuudt) Seductress - Onkg Kroo Jumbo size Masterpiece version of Ajarn Wirataep's 2555 BE edition amulets. The Nine White Snake Lady is related to the legends of the 9 Tailed Fox, and is a very similar Wicha, serving similar purposes. She exists in Chinese and other Asian Legends.

Ajarn Wirataep Released these Nang Ngu Khaw Lockets as 'Ongk Kroo' Top of the Series Luxury Quality Maha Sanaeh Charms, that are several pegs above the average Muan Sarn used for Amulets. The high cost and rarity of truly potent and Sorcerous Sacred Ingredients, and the necessary concentration needed to create a piece of Master Sorcery of the most Potent Variety causes few Masters to produce amulets of this kind of extreme concentration of Sacred Muan Sarn in their pure undiluted states. Once in a while however, we are blessed with the opportunity to obtain such an amulet, whose power comes not only from the Meditative and magical empowerments and Incantations of the Master/s who made them, but also possesses inherent Sorcerous and Pheromonic (aromatic) powers exuding from the Muan Sarn.

There is a Movie very loosely based on the Chinese Legend of the Seductive Demoness Paya Ngu Khaw, with Jet Lee called 'The Sorceror and the White Snake' which you can see a clip of here

These Nang Paya Ngu Khaw lockets are one of a number of different lockets which Ajarn Wirataep has made, each desing/Wicha being released in two versions; Pim B standard size and Pim A Ongk Kroo Jumbo size. All of these Lockets of the 2555 BE Wai Kroo series are filled with a thick pillow of powerful Maha Sanaeh and Prai Powders of the finest grade and Magical potency. The Ongk Kroo versions hyad extra Phials of Prai Oil inserted to multiply and charge up potency and speed of effect. The Series of Wicha Maha Sanaeh lockets included;

  1. Nang Paya Ngu Khaw (White Snake Demon Seductress), which was made in Pim Yai Ongk Kroo and Pim Lek. 
  2. Pra Khun Phaen Yang Kumarn (Khun Phaen Roasting a Kumarn) in Pim Yai Ongk Kroo and Pim Lek. 
  3. Pra Khun Phaen Nang Jet Nang Plii (Khun encircled by 7 Maidens), in Pim Yai Ongk Kroo and Pim Lek

The rear face of the amulet is filled with red sacred powders, has 4 enchanted gem inserts, a numbered series code stamp, one phial of powerful Prai Oil, and a Takrut Ngu Maha Sanaeh Spell written on snake skin, and bound into a scroll. The rear surface of the amulet has received Sacred Agkhara Spell inscriptions. around the edges of the Amulet. The Sacred powders used to fill the locket are of the finest grade Red Kama Sutra Prai Powders, and the filling is generously applied in a very thick layer, sparing no expenses to ensure a quality Maha Sanaeh amulet of great power.

The amulet can be used for Seduction of Lovers, Customers, Superiors and those whose Mercy you need to escape Misfortune. The seduction power of the 9 headed White Snake Goddess is extremely powerful due to her Demonic Nature. Phuudtaa and Pisaj type spirits (Daemons/Phantoms) are known for their extreme Psychic Powers and Magical Might.

The amulet is also usable as Business Improvement, and Speculative Risk Enterprises (Gambling, Buying and Selling, Stock Market etc). This amulet is recommendable for those who seek the best quality Muan Sarn powders and Prai Ingredients for a more Powerful Amulet, and less worry about expense.

99 Lockets made in Pim Yai Ongk Kroo Large Size Master Piece version

Locket Nang Paya Ngu Khaw (9 white Snake Demon Seductress) Pim Yai Ongk Kroo (Jumbo size master Piece version with Snake Takrut, Gems and Prai Oil Flask) # 05 - Ajarn Wirataep - Only 99 made
$ 279.99

Locket Nang Paya Ngu Khaw (9 white Snake Demon Seductress) Pim Yai Ongk Kroo (Jumbo size master Piece version with Snake Takrut, Gems and Prai Oil Flask) # 75 - Ajarn Wirataep - Only 99 made