
Python Spur Amulet - Mercy Charm

This Sorcerous Animist Charm is a form of Occult Necromancy which invokes Metta Mahaniyom and Maha Pokasap Magickal influence from the Python's ability to sit in wait for its prey, without the need to move around or perform overly tiresome quests to entrap its victims.

The Python is renowned for the ability to maintain itself alive over long periods of time through maintaining an enduring survival through its high ratio of energy conversion in comparison to its metabolic consumption. This means that a Python can survive for months on one meal, and can avoid travelling around large distances, by merely lying in wait for prey to pass within its reach, and then launch its attack with one single leap, and entwine itself around the prey, making it impossible for that which enters its clutches, to escape ever again.

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Ajarn Apichai Decha Sacred Powder Magic Love Potion

Pong Ya Maha Sanaeh Love Potion for Infatuation and Enchantment - To use the Pong Ya Maha Sanaeh Enchantment Spell Potion, merely keeo adding some into the drinks, or the food (or both), to slowly but surely rell in your chosen 'victim', and entice them into falling in love with you. The person will gradually become infatuated with you, and become increasingly, and ever more deeply affected by the power of the potion.