
Thai-Chinese Monkey Arahant God Amulet for Success Solid Silver Limited Series First Edition

Rian Tai Sia Huk Jow is the Thai Chinese Monkey Arahant God of Success. The amulets were Blessed and empowered by LP Ruay (Wat Tago), LP Perm (Wat Bom Gaew), LP Khaw (Wat Dork Kway) LP Mian (Wat Ban Chanian), LP Pian (Wat Grern Gathin), LP Raks (LP Luck - Wat Sutawat Vipassana), Pra Ajarn Id (Wat Jula Manee),Pra Maha Surasakt (Wat Pradoo), and Luang Por Chamnan of Wat Bang Kuti Tong.

This Special Gammagarn Solid Silver Limited Edition Thai-Chinese Deity Image was made as a Bucha Statue and as Deity Coin amulets, in two different postures for different magical blessings;

1.Pang Samrej - Success and Accomplishment 
2.Pang Chana - Winning, Victory over ones obstacles and enemies 

This 'Chalong Sae Yid' edition of luxury collectors edition coin amulets are the first ever making of this Deity in amulet or Bucha form for the Public.

Only 588 coins were made in this particular Pim/Model, which is made from 'Nuea Ngern' (Pure Solid Silver).

Silver is only second to Gold and Platinum for its Purity as a perfect conductor for electricity and magnetism, and for magical power and Prana energy (subject to argument, for many traditionalists believe in the power of Nuea Dee Buk for charged magical power).

It is thus, not only a luxurious and attractive precious metal for a high end model amulet, but is also is a very powerful medium for amulet empowerment.

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