
Thai Buddhist Prayer to Dedicate Merits to Dead relatives

Part three of a series of Podcasts on the Piti Gruad Nam Water Pouring Ceremony - this third Podcast deals with the most commonly used Prayer 'Yatha' - Thai Buddhist Prayer and Water Pouring Ceremony to Dedicate Merits to Dead Relatives. This ancient practice has its origins in Brahman Beliefs, and was adopted into the Thai Buddhist Belief System as Buddhism arrived and converted the already Brahman Influenced people of Siam. It is possible that the Vedic Brahman Belief and Practice of pouring water and its allusions to Mother Earth and Nature, may have been preceded by ancient Animist Ancestor Worship practices inb the ancient past. Either way, the Buddha did not decree the use of this ceremony, but did not forbid it, as many convertees at the time were converting from Brahman Beliefs, and it is common to see the practices incorporated into Buddhism because of this.

The previous 2 Podcasts, of which the second one is video to demonstrate the pouring of the water into the ceremonial chalice, are also found published here on YouTube;
Part One;
Part Two;

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