
Pha Yant Taw Waes Suwan LP Sakorn Wat Nong Grub

Pha Yant Taw Waes Suwan Asura Deva from LP Sakorn, of Wat Nong Grub.

Sacred Yantra cloth bearing the image of Lord Vaisravan/Waes Suwan, from Luang Por Sakorn of Wat Nong Grub, the Prime Looksit of Luang Phu Tim (Wat Laharn Rai) Lineage. Released along with the Pra Kring Chinabanchorn Buddha Amulets made to celebrate Luang Por Sakorn's 75th Year (2556). We appeared in February to get some, and saw that these were all that were left at the temple. Now. stocks are completely depleted at Wat Nong Grub the same Month of its Release. We can expect this to be a classic edition being the 75th Birthday edition and the third milestone to a century for Luang Por.
Lord Waes Suwan is an Asura Deva, he is the King of the Northern Jadtu Maha Rachiga Kingdom – Lord of Treasures and Wealth, Protector against Demons, Ghosts and Malefic entities. Taw Waes Suwan should be revered by businessmen and financiers, and anyone who wishes to increase his financial and material wealth.

Khun Phaen Plai Kuman 2515 Luang Pu Tim Wat Lahan Rai White Color

LP Opasi Thai Amulet 2495 Sacred Clay Guru Monk Image