
See Pheung Nam Man Plai Potions for Maha Sanaeh and Metta


Special Double-Set of See Pheung Potions from Luang Por Phaew

See Pheung Jantr Paen - Lighter Colored Lip Gloss Potion with Hanuman Embracing Apsara Nymph in Full Moon Light

See Pheung Hanuman Giaw Nang Duean Paen

The See Pheung Hanuman Giaw Nang Duean Paen is made from pure wild forest beeswax mixed with 108 Maha Sanaerh Herbs, Flowers Woods, and Pollens, such as the Dton Rak, Dton Ga Hlong, & Dton Mayom (Trees), Nam Man Jantr (oil), Wan Dork Mai Tong, Wan Joong Nang Khao Hong, Wan Ha Roi Nang, Wan Sau Hlong, Wan Dork Mai Hom (Sacred Magical Herbs).

A sacred Na Metta Yantra Spell is inscribed on the lid from Luang Por Phaew of Wat Daw Rueang.

The Potion was boiled in a Magical Yantra Inscribed Cauldron during the Jantr Sorn Jantr Double Penumbra Lunar Alignment, performing Incantations as the potion was stirred with an enchanted paddle made from sacred wood, with spells inscribed upon the paddle, and the cauldron as is defined by the Ancient Traditions of Thai and Khmer Sorcery.

Magic See Pheung Potion - Boiled in a Yantra Inscribed Cauldron during Jantr Sorn Jantr Lunar Alignment

Once the potion was boiled, it was kept for a second blessing and empowerment in 'Puttapisek' (Buddha Abhiseka) at Wat Daw Rueang performing the additional Rite of 'Piti Serp Tord Prawaet Bang Rajan' (Lineage Transmission of the Power of the Magical Wicha of the Sorcerers of Bang Rajan).

The See Pheung Potions are designed to be used by smearing a tiny dab around your lips before using for any of the usual blessings, such as to seduce, receive mercy, or ask for favors from others.

Magic See Pheung Potion - See Pheung Maha Sanaeh Duean Dab Paetch Glab Jantr Paen for Business and Seductive Speech

Business Ladies should use their middle finger to smear the potion, Ladies of the Night should use their Ring Finger to smear with, Business Men should use their forefinger to smear, and for Female or Male Professional Escorts, use the middle finger to smear the potion, around your lips.

It is not necessary to smear more than a tiny amount, around the outer edges of your lips, and/or under the chin. If you prefer, you can smear on your eyebrows instead, but for convincing speech, around the lips is the ubiquitous method.

Magic See Pheung Potion - See Pheung Maha Sanaeh Duean Dab for Business and Seductive Speech

See Pheung Maha Sanaeh Duean Dab Paetch Glab Jantr Paen

The second Potion is the See Pheung Maha Sanaeh Duean Dab Paetch Glab Jantr Paen - Empowered during the Jantraprapa Lunar Eclipse (Rahu Swallowing the Moon). The Mantras and Kata Chants used for the Incantations of this ceremony were performed backward, which perfects and completes the two parts of this Magic Spell.

Magical Lip Gloss Potion - See Pheung Maha Sanaeh Duean Dab Paetch Glab Jantr Paen for Reversing Negative Karma

This is achieved by reversing the Negative Karmic Aspects which are often invoked with single amulet use, where the odds are turned in favor of some factors of life, leaving holes in the other factors of life which could then be worsened to equalize karma with.

This secondary potion turns the wheel of Karma in both directions, being opposite in its magical spiral emanation to that of the first potion (Hanuman Giaw Nang). This is because of the first ceremony being in the penumbra of a full moon, and the second ceremony being performed under the dark eclipse of the moon, and chanting backwards, to reverse the darkness and the negative fortune.

Magic See Pheung Potion - See Pheung Maha Sanaeh Duean Dab Paetch Glab Jantr Paen for Reversing Negative Karma and Lunar Eclipse Empowerment

This See Pheung Maha Sanaeh Duean Dab Paetch Glab Jantr Paen is the more difficult of these two potions to make, firstly, because of the fact that it can only be made using a certain amount of See Pheung Hanuman Giaw Nang Duean Paen, which has been empowered during a Jantr Sorn Jantr Lunar Alignment, which has to be made previously. Secondly, it is difficult to make because of the rarity of finding the 9 kinds of Sacred Herbs which render Black Sacred Powders. These Black Powders are added to the See Pheung from the previous Ritual, along with Pong Sanaeh Kama Sutra Powders, which few Masters know how to find and prepare, and the difficulty in obtaining the Suryan-Jantra Sacred Powders, which are made from the chalk used for inscribing the Yant Suryajantrabprapa (Solar-Lunar Eclipse Yantra). Yant Suryajantrabprapa is one of the Highest of all Sacred Yantra in the Universe and carries Immense Serm Duang Karma Improving Properties.

Magic See Pheung Potion - Empowerment and Buddha Abhiseka during Jantraprapa Lunar Eclipse for See Pheung Maha Sanaeh Duean Dab Paetch Glab Jantr Paen

These powders are added to the Potion previously made, and now the third empowerment and Buddha Abhiseka occurs chanted backward during the Lunar Eclipse as the Potion is stirred in the cauldron. This turns in reverse to the energy spiral of the first potion like a Yin and Yang, which perpetuate each other as Light fills the Darkness, and the darkness is Dispelled by the Light as it enters. The two potions hence flow together in a Karmic Yin Yang Effect, to both Increase Metta, Improve Lucky Fortunes, and Remove Bad Luck from Your Line of Fate.

Luang Por Phaew Wat Daw Rueang Ban Bang Rajan - Master of Magical Wicha and Sorcery

Above; Luang Por Phaew Wat Daw Rueang (Ban Bang Rajan)

Kata for the Potions

Short Version

Naa Sang Si Mo Bpaa Su U Chaa (Chant 10 Times)

Long Version

Mutu Jidt-Dtang Suwaa Mukh-Khang Tissawaa Nimaa Mang Bpiyang Ma Ma Maedtaa Chiwhaa Yamaturang Tagaa Waajang Sattang Sudt-Dtawaa Sappae Chanaa Pahuu Chanaa Idthii Chanaa Samma Nuna Praahmanaa Nuna Bpasang Sandti Idthii Idthii Bpiyang Ma Ma Idthii Ee (say name of the lady) Bpiyang Ma Ma Idthii Ai (say name of the man) Bpiyang Ma Ma - Namo Puttaaya Na Ma Pa Ta Ja Pa Ga Sa Ma A U Putto Om Swaaha Swaaha Bpiya Mamang Bpiyang Ma Ma

Magical Lip Gloss Potion - See Pheung Hanuman Giaw Nang Duean Paen with Sacred Na Metta Yantra Spell Inscribed