
See Pheung Nam Man Prai Gao Burut KB Dech

The See Pheung Nam Man Prai Gao Burut Pichit Jai Nang Wicha Maha Laluay (Nine Lustful Heartbreaker Ghosts Necromantic Potion, to win the hearts of a Lady), with takrut Na Jao Orn spell insert, is a powerful potion of high necromancy in potion form that was created and empowered in 2552 BE by Kroo Ba Dech Gidtiyano of the Samnak Songk Pha Cha Ban Radtanakosin. 

This potion was crafted using the most powerful magical ingredients from the ancient Khmer Necromantic Sorcery Grimoires. As of 2023, Kroo Ba Dech has disrobed as a monk and continues to create magical amulets as a Ruesi Hermit, with lesser restrictions as a monk, allowing him to perform higher necromancy and dark arts, as well as seek out Necromantic Muan Sarn of his own accord, without relying on devotees to donate materials. 

 The Empowerment has invoked a significant amount of Metta Mahaniyom (Mercy Charm), Maha Laluay (Melt the Heart), Maha Jang-Ngang (Stunner Spell), and Maha Sanaeh Seduction Magic, drawing its power from the Hian Prai Magic of the Burut Gao Dton Nine Lustful Phantom Ghosts.
This potion exudes Kama Sutra Magick, causing individuals to experience intense excitement, attraction, and attachment towards one another, leading to a desire for sex and even love. The See Pheung Nam Man Prai is effective for both men and women, regardless of their sexual orientation, and can attract potential lovers or life partners towards the user, enchanting their hearts and making them unable to resist. Additionally, the potion's hypnotic effect can facilitate the completion of oratory tasks such as foreign business talks, sales meetings, court cases, and advisory professions with greater ease.