
Mini Magic Sword Sacred Metals - Silver Plated - Kroo Ba Aryachat 2552 BE

Dab Sri Ganchai Dtua Jiw (Mini Magic Sword) - Nuea Loha Chup Ngern (Sacred Metals, Silver Plated) - Traimas 52 edition - Kroo Ba Aryachat - Wat Saeng Gaew Potiyan

Meed Mor ritual knife

Dab Sri Ganchai is an ancient Lanna Magical artifact which has been traditionally made and used for over 700 years in the Lanna Country. Kroo Ba Aryachat, has made Dab Sri Ganchai (Meed Hmor) in the 700 year old Lanna Magical Tradition, to preserve and continue the Wicha for future generations. The knife is created of stabbing money, gold and silver, stabbing employment promotion, and protecting from evil and ill wishers, backstabbers and the like.

Meed Mor

'Stabbing' ,means not to really stab with the knife, rather that the magical power of the knife can stab and catch money, treasures and other desired things.

ritual knife for luck and protection

The knife will ward of evil forces, black magic and demons. It increases the auspicious influences and improves the luck and fate of the owner of the knife. Can be carried as protection and success charm, or used as a magical instrument for making holy water and the like.

Use the knife to point at or stab your wares you are selling, and improve their chances of being purchased.Sacred Lanna Sanskrit spells are written on the blade of the knife. 4 Centimeters long.

Kata Bucha Meed Hmor Lanna - Kroo ba Aryachat
Sittigijjang Sittitammang Sittigaariyang Sittiwaajaa Dtathaakadto Sittilaapo Nirandtarang Sitti Dtaecho Chayo Nijjang Sittigammang Prasittimae

Kroo Ba Aryachat

Above; Kroo Ba Ariachat prepares to enter Nirosagam which was then for the 8th time in 2552. At the time of the writing of this post, he had currently performed ten Nirosagam practices.
Above, images of the various Master Gaeji Ajarn with whom Kroo Ba Ariachat has learned Wicha with;
Kroo Ba Srivichai, Kroo Ba Chum, Kroo Ba Phad, Kroo Ba Noi, Kroo Ba Bun Chum, Kroo Ba Duang Dee, Kroo Ba Por Dabos, Kroo Ba Jantr Gaew, Kroo Ba Dtan, Kroo Ba Indta, Kroo Ba Tueang, Tan Jao Khun Tongchai, and Kroo Ba Chaiyawongsa.
You can see a video of Kroo Ba Ariachat entering his eight Nirosagam ceremony below on 9th January 2552. He stays in the sealed space for 7 days, and consumes only water. After this, he came out and headed a ceremony for people to donate dry foods for hims to raise funds to help local poor Folk of the area and to improve conditions for the soldiers and police of the three border provinces of North Thailand.
 Khao Nirosagam Kroo Ba Aryachat 2552

Guru Yoga: According to the Preliminary Practice of Longchen Nyingtik The Heart of the Path: Seeing the Guru as Buddha The Union of Bliss and Emptiness: Teachings on the Practice of Guru Yoga
Above, Kroo Ba Ariachat with his Teacher Kroo Ba Jantr Dtip, as he was still a Samanera

Above; Kroo Ba Ariachat as he was stil a Samanera of 17 years of age - he was already advancing to the level of Mastery in meditation and various Wicha even at this age.
The Fulfillment of All Hopes: Guru Devotion in Tibetan Buddhism  The Guru Investor: How to Beat the Market Using History's Best Investment Strategies Indo-Aryan Deities and Worship as Contained in the Rig-Veda

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Kochasri Singha elephant-lion Himapant animal for protection power and winning

Paya Kochasri Chern Thong - Run Thong Tong - Elephant head Lion Himapant Forest Deity - Luang Por Raks Analayo - Wat Sutawat Vipassana

Himapant Animal Bodhisattva Deity, for increased Influence and Power, protection and success.

Made by Luang Por Raks, one of the present day Master amulet makers of Ayuttaya, who is famous for his Buddhist amulets, and for his leanings to create inportant and historic editions which adhere to the Ancient Thai Buddhist traditions.

Magical properties; Maha Amnaj (Command and Dominion) Serm Baramee (Increase power and strength, honor, glory and Merit).

The amulet is filled with Sacred Powders in the base, which have recieved both Incantations and invocations. A gold leaf Takrut spell is inserted, which we assume to contain the Heart of Lion spell incsription and invocation, to induce  the commanding imposing magic of Maha Amnaj.

Click here to view this amulet in the Store;

Bucha Method;
Light 5 incense sticks and two white candles (yellow is also ok, but preferably white), and chant reverence to the Buddha  - Namo Tassa Pakawadto Arahadto Sammaa Samputtassa.

Kata Paya Kochasri
Na Mo Puttaaya Na Ma Pa Ta Ja Pa Ga Sa Na Ma A U Putto Arahang Idtimuli Bprasittimae

Chant once in the morning for Luck, good business, charm and power
Chant in the evening once for preventing Bad Luck and Evil Energies
The amulet endows the wearer with Maha Amnaj, Convincing powers of speech, impressive appearance, and commanding ability. Also, the Deity endows you with Kong Grapan and Klaew Klaad protection from physical injury and evasion of accidents or danger. Being a Bodhisattva in Nature, Paya Kochasri also blesses you with Metta mahaniyom Kaa Khaay blessings (friendly reception and attract to approach, and increased business earnings, through increased popularity)

Luang Por Raks is seen incredibly often on almost all Major Puttapisek empowerment Ceremonies in sadditon to those he makes fir his own amulet creations. he is responsible for making ne of the Modern Eras most important New Era Luang Phu Tuad amulet editions, which was empowered by monks who entered the ocean where LP Tuad is supposed to have turned seawater into freshwater by wading, and askinf for the Power of Luang Por Tuad to enter the amulets and protect the wearers. These Nakprok Buddhas are yet another immensely important and powerful Buddhist amulet which in future generations will most certainly be regarded as a classic in itself. Amulets like this are not subject to falling from favor, being pure Buddhist and Eternally meaningful, whatever the Era.
Luang Por Koon with LP Raks
With Luang Por Koon
LP Hongs bestows Wicha upon LP Raks
LP Hongs bestows Wicha upon LP Raks
Luang Por Pian with Luang Por Raks
Luang Por Pian with Luang Por Raks
Luang Phu Tin of Wat Sai Khaw blessed LP Raks
LP Tim (Wat Sai Khaw) bestows Wicha to LP Raks
LP Ruay (Wat Tako) with LP Raks
LP Ruay (Wat Tako)
Kroo ba noi and Luang Por Rak
Kroo Ba Noi adds his Blessing and acceptance
Luang Por Raks - Wat Sutawat Vipassana

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Palad Ngu Jong Ang - Cobra Lingam - LP Jan Khantigo (Kampuchea) 999 made

Palad Paya Ngu Jong Ang Jao Sap - Luang Phu Jan Khantigo (Phu Wised Gampong Tom, Kampuchea) 2552 (waterproof casing included)

The Palad Paya Ngu Jong Ang is a Magical Wicha of the Ancient Khmer Brahmans, of 1000 Years Ago. This amulet is suitable for both Ladies and Men

The amulet is in the form of a Cobra wound around a Phallic.
  • Luang Phu Jan has created these Cobra head Palad Khik from the following sacred powders and other Sacred Muan Sarn;
  • Powder from an Ancient 1000 year old Shiva Lingam, which was found in an Age Old Khmer Holy place. The Shivalingam, as well as being a Phallic Symbol of Potency, and an Effigy of the Shiva Deity in Abstract Form, is also the central focus of the Mind Power of the Universal Deities.
  • Dtakrai Yord Prasat Khom (powdered pieces of the spires of 7 Khmer Palace Temples). This particular powder endows the Muan Sarn with Maha sanaeh Enchantment to induce desire in the hearts of those you wish to Seduce.
  • Din Bpradtu Prasat Khom Pan Pi - Earth powders from 9 Entrance Gates of 9 Ancient Khmer Palace Temples). This induces the arrival of manby Customers or Clients, and good sales flow, because the entrance to a Palace is always a place of passers by and good commerce.
  • Pong Wised Gampong Tom (Sacred powders from Gampong Tom in Kampuchea)
  • Pong Wised Luang Phu Jan (his own special powder)
  • Pong Kochagut, Dtakor Chang Kroo Aathan 200 Pi (powdered 200 year old magic wand with elephant hook). This is powerful Magic for calling 'Choke Laap' (Luck and good Fortune, Windfalls), Asking for Money or Promotion of Status; It makes the other person you are asking soft hearted towards you, and give in to your pleas more easily.

Luang Phu Jan designed this Shiva Lingam (Palad Khik) in the form of a Cobra, which is of course the Snake which is wrapped around Shivas Crown. Shive is one of the Hindu Trinity, and was the Highest Deva of the Khmer Brahman Race, along with Brahma and Vishnu a close second. The Cobra was Shivas necklace, and even though it is a Venomous beast, it remains peacefully resting upon Shiva.
Luang Phu Jan says half jokingly that Promiscuous Older people in Thailand are called 'Snake Head' like the snake head of the Palad Khik he has made. Also, if someone dreams of a Snake wrapping itself around their body, they will find their true Partner in Life. So the Palad is very useful for those seeking to attract a partner.
The amulet is also effective for Luck, Charm, Influence and Discussion winning, which also harmonizes and improves your Selling Skills.
Its Supplementery Inherent Effect is that bit protects from venomous animals such as Snakes and the like, and prevents Danger. Increases your Influence on others.
999 of these Amulets were made in all, and 256 Bucha size models for the Altar. Size; 2 Centimeters high.

Kata Bucha Palad Paya Ngu Jong Ang
Omma Siwaling Gamlang Ja Heung Sawaaha  Om Sanaeh Mon Sanaeh Mia Sanaeh Bpuum Sanaeh Bpaaraa Bprer An Grayorm Kun Bprer An Hong Om Sahom Dtid Saneu Gramum Na Ga Dor Lor Hina na Ma Pa Ta 

Chant three times, blowing on the Palad Khik each time you finish one cycle.

Pra Pikanes (Ganesh) amulet with 5 silver Takrut and Ploi Ta Suea stones - LP Nong

Pra Pikanes (Ganesh) Loi Ongk - Nuea Chanuan Pised - 5 Silver Takrut Dtreung Dtrai Pob and Ploi Ta Suea (Tiger eye stones)- Luang Phu Nong Radtanachodto - Wat Wang Sri Nuan

Pra Pikanes pendant type amulet for Success and Prosperity in Business, Profession and Social Status. Pra Pikanes is the Deity of Completion and Successfgul Accomplishment, and removes your Obstacles to enable and ensure your Success in your undertakings. Patron deity of various Professions, especially the Visual, Cultural and Dancing Arts. Artists and Performers all worship Pra Pikanes, as do those in the race for elevate status, such as Politicians and the like. In addition, Pra Pikanes is also a Master Ruesi (being the son of the highest Ruesi of all; Shiva). anmd therefore a Kroo of the Thai Ruesi Masters. His Head exists in the Pantheon of 'Siarn Kroo' (Kroo Ruesi deity masks) and is present in many Wai kroo ceremonies. He can thus be revered both as a Deva and as a Kroo Deity for the Magical Arts.

Blessed and empowered by Luang Phu Nong Tammachodto, of Wat Wang Sri Tong (Sra Kaew).LP Nong is a Master of Kasin Fai (Fire elemental empowerment) and a Master Ruesi of Great Prowess. His amulets are full of Metta with a strong and active Aura, a result of his most powerful Incantations and Evokation of Kasina magic. The amulet is made from Buea Chanuan Pised (pieces of ancient and sacred amulets, statues, yantra and other sacred metals).

The Rear face is filled with sacred powders sealed with lacquer and 5 sacred silver Takrut spell inserted, with 'Ploi Ta Suea' (Sacred Tiger Eye).

Luang Phu Nong

Luang Phu Nong Tammachodto is the true nephew of Luang Por Derm (Wat Nong Po) and recieved direct Wicha magical training from his Uncle. Luang Por Nongs amulets are both powerfully made according to the Wicha of Luang Por Derm, as well as having been designed and created by some of Thailands finest Buddhist and Brahman artistic craftsmen. A perfect combination of powerful sacred Buddha Magic and Beautiful aesthetic Religious Art.

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Brahma Head for Metta, Protection and Wealth - 7 sacred metals and 5 Takrut with Garnets

Pra Prohm (Brahma) Head for Metta, Protection and Business - Nuea Radtana Loha - 5 Silver Takrut Dtreung Dtrai Pob and Ploi Ta Suea (Tiger eye stones)- Luang Phu Nong Radtanachodto - Wat Wang Sri Nuan

Brahma Deity protection and business increase pendant amulet for Success and Prosperity in Business, Profession and Social Status. Pra Pikanes is the Deity of Completion and Successfgul Accomplishment, and removes your Obstacles to enable and ensure your Success in your undertakings.

Like Ganesh, Brahma is not only a Deva, but also a Patron deity of various Professions. Brahma is however one of the Hindu Trinity and the Creator aspect. Brahma, or, in Thai, 'Pra Prohm', is also a great source of Metta and Protection. Brahma worship can bring both Metta Mahaniyom, Maha Sanaeh, as well as success and even protection. The Brahma Deity has four faces, and you will see this Deity house in all major public meeting places in Thailand, for it is believed that the Brahma Deity draws people from all four directions. This attracts customers to your shop, is therefore good for business.

Those wishing to increase their auspicious Fate (Horoscope improvement) and to recieve many blessings, protection and increase in Business, be more popular and recieve helpful treatment from others, are suited to the Brahma Deity amulet. Smnall and easily Portable. Suitable for Ladies as well as Men, due to smal size, and its soft Metta power, which is fitting for the fairer sex.

Blessed and empowered by Luang Phu Nong Tammachodto, of Wat Wang Sri Tong (Sra Kaew) in the.
LP Nong is a Master of Kasin Fai (Fire elemental empowerment) and a Master Ruesi of Great Prowess. His amulets are full of Metta with a strong and active Aura, a result of his most powerful Incantations and Evokation of Kasina magic. The amulet is made from Buea Chanuan Pised (pieces of ancient and sacred amulets, statues, yantra and other sacred metals).

The rear face is filled with sacred powders sealed with lacquer and 5 sacred silver Takrut 'Dtreung Dtrai Pob' spells inserted, with 'Ploi Ta Suea' (Sacred Tiger eye semi precious stones).
Luang Phu Nong
Luang Phu Nong Tammachodto - Wat Wang Sri Tong
Luang Phu Nong Tammachodto is the true Nephew of Luang Por Derm (Wat Nong Po) and recieved direct Wicha magical training from his Uncle. Luang Por Nongs amulets are both powerfully made according to the Wicha of Luang Por Derm, as well as having been designed and created by some of Thailands finest Buddhist and Brahman artistic craftsmen. A perfect combination of powerful sacred Buddha Magic and Beautiful aesthetic Religious Art.

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Mae Bper anti Black Magic and Luck improver for success, love and invincibility - LP Goy

Mae Bper Montra Gae Aathan (prevent black magic, attract luck) - Ud Pong Nang Ok Dtaek (filled with broken hearted lady powder) - Luang Por Goy - Wat Khao Din Dtai (waterproof casing included).

Endowed with 'Gae Aathan' (ward off Black Magic and spirits), 'Perm Palang' (increase Libido), 'Choke Laap' (luck and fortune), 'Metta' (make those who approach friendly and helpful, buy your wares) and 'Serm Kwam Samrej' (increase your probablility of success and achievement).

The amulet is forged from various magically empowered metal foils;
Phaen Yant Maha Sanaeh, Phaen Yant Mae Bper Pitsawat 108, coffin nails, Phaen Yant Metta Yai, Phaen Yant Metta Noi, and Ngern Bpaag Phii.

The Base has a silver Takrut inserted.

What is Mae Bper?
Mae Bper is an effigy in the form of a woman sitting in the act of giving birth. She is in great pain. The ancient Masters created this Animist magical assistant for increasing luck and wealth, and protecting agains black magic and evil entities, ghosts and demons.

It is necessary to have truly mastered the Wicha of Mae Bper in order to make one of these effigies really work, which is why only few Masters produce this kind of magic charm. Luang Por Goy is one of the few Masters alive who has mastered this ancient Khmer Wicha. He used this Wicha which he had recieved through the lineage of Masters to invoke the Mae Bper and empower the amulets  using the correct traditional method of invocation of the Taat See (four elements of all matter) and 'Aagarn 32' (the 32 characteristics of a living physical incarnate being). Only when these two aspects are mastered can the effigy be awoken and activated.

Luang Por Goy then performed the consequent formulas and calling out of the name of the Mae Bper, and then began to empower the amulets with repeated incantations over the whole year, using the following spells as Kata to empower with;

Kata Maha Maetta, Kata Choke Maha Saan, Kata Phuug Midtr, Kata Joong Jai, and Kata Maha Laluay. 

For one whole year Luang Por Goy repeatedly sat in meditation and charged them with his incantations.
After this was completed, he took the amulets and filled them with Pong Nang Ok Dtaek (heartbroken lady powder), which is a sacred powder that has a very strong effect on the opposite, and same sex. This amulet is thus useful asa love charm for both Men and Women, Heterosexuals or Gay people.
The amulet protects not only against black magic, but has a four sided power to assist , be it in Romance, Business, Safety or Conflict.
If you rub the amulet along your left side, it will evoke Metta Mahaniyom and Maha Lap power and attract friendliness, helpfulness from others, who will feel attracted towards you or your shop, and improve business sales.
If you rub the amulet on your front side, it will evoke Kong Grapan, maha Ud and Klae Klaad power, which will protect you froom weapons, dangerous accidents,sharp blades, and black magic.
If you rub the amulet on your right side, it will evoke the power of Maha Sanaeh, Maha Jang Ngang, and Maha Hlong to attract lovers, and give you the advantage to charm others of the same or opposite sex
If you rub the amulet along your back, then it will evoke the power of Maha Amnaj, Maha Sanaeh, Choke Laap and Klaew Klaad, enabling you to win difficult discussions or conflicts with Oratory skills of speech, and be able to get your point across with the most stubborn and difficult of adversaries.
Once the amulets had been stuffed with powders and further given incantations, they were soaked in 'Nam Man Montra Maha Sanaeh' - a sacred charm oil given Maha Sanaeh incantations and magical herbs added, along with a mix of other powerful oils and potions which were mixed into the formula.
This oil is composed of various other oils including;
  • Nam Man Pasom Khlong (powerful aphrodisiac)
  • Nam Man Pitsawat Roi Choo (100 different lovers oil)
  • Nam Man Naree Rampeung (Enchantress oil)
  • Nam Man Paya Te Krua (Love Goddess oil)
  • Nam Man Sau Hlong (Lady in Love oil)
  • Nam Man Saen Nang Rak (100 Ladies in love oil)
All of these empowerments have resulted in an amulet bursting with power to assist in four important aspects of life, and a magical guardian to ward of evil, black magic and evil eye.
Uses; Business, Love, Gambling, Protection, Diplomacy, Fate improvement
Kata Bucha Mae Bper
Simply chant Namo Tassa 3 times, close your eyes and make your wish
Mae Bper Montra Gae Aathan (prevent black magic, attract luck) - Ud Pong Nang Ok Dtaek (filled with broken hearted lady powder) - Luang Por Goy - Wat Khao Din Dtai (waterproof casing included)

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