The Mae Yua amulet is useful for social, love life, and professional purposes, even Gamblers have great success with this kind of magic charm. Can be used to find your partner in life too. The amulet is essentially a Unisex amulet and can be used by a Man or a Woman, and can be used to attract either the opposite, or same sex. It is thus also usable as a Gay Love charm, for Homosexuals, Lesbians or Bisexuals.
The Khmer Wicha used by Luang Por Saman for the making of the Mae Yua Mueang, was learned in its full complete version from his Khmer Mastes, and is called 'Wicha Kroo Khmen' (Khmer Master Wicha).
Recent Years have shown the success of the Mae Yua Mueang amulet in unbdoubtable manner; namely that a large number of success stories from different Mae Yua amulets in various forms, coming from different Ajarns, shows that the power of the Kali Deity (Mae Yua Mueang is a manifestation of the Kali Deity). ion combination with Kama Sutra magic makes the feminine wrathful energy of the Mae Yua Mueang possess intense attraction and aphrodisiac powers. The extrememely rich Muan Sarn content is full of powerful magical herbs, powders and relic ingredients, making an added powerful physical effect to the olfactory nerves and endorphines cause those in the vicinity of the wearer to become attracted, interested, and even infatuated when the karmic enviroment is fitting.
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