
Pra Pong Sri Maha Prohm - Sangkaracha 96th Birthday memorial edition - Wat Boworniwes

Brahma amulet made and blessed by the Sangkaracha himself (Somdej Pra Yan Sangworn).
Made from fine sacred Powders under Royal Commission from the Sangkaracha, and blessed in Puttapisek Empowerment ceremony, with a Host of Powerful Master Guru Monks.

Rental Price; $39.99
Released for celebration of the Sangkarachas 96th Anniversary. All amulets from Wat Boworn are ususally under Royal Commission and made with the finest artists and ingredients, as well as recieving a very ipmportant and Sacred blessing ceremony. This is the temple where Our King Bhumipol Adulyadej (Rama 9) was ordained and spent his time as a Monk, and is the seat of the Nations most important monks. All amulets recieved a numbered code in their limited edition. This amulet bears the numbered code 5001

rear face Brahma amulety by sangkaracha

It is one of Bangkoks top three most important temples, along with Wat Pra Kaew, and Wat Rakang Kositaram. Due to its stately connections, the amulets emerging from this Temple are much more economically priced as manyt other temples, and is oue of our most recommended choices for well made quality sacred amulets that have a correct and sacred empowerment from reputable Masters, which however do not carry a heavy price tag.

The Sangkaracha is the head Monk of the Royal Temple and considered to be the leading entity of the Thai Sangha. He is Officially the highest Monk in all Thailand.
These amulets were made, blessed and empowered along with the Pra Kring 8 Rob amulets made for celebration of the Sangkarachas 80th anniversary as a Monk and 96th Birthday.

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Paetch Payatorn amulet - Nuea Wan Bad Tong Fang Tagrud (sacred powders with gold leaf and tagruds) - Luang Por Khern Thawaro

Taep Paetch Payatorn - Nuea Wan Bad Tong Fang Tagrud (sacred powders with gold leaf and tagruds) - Luang Por Khern Thawaro - Plus Waterproof Casing

Taep Paetch Payatorn is a Lovers Deity for Metta Mahaniyom, Maha Sanaeh and Kaa Khaay purposes.

The Deva ('Taep' means 'Deva' in Thai) of Paetch Payatorn appears in various forms (even seen as Palad Khik). He dwells in the Himapant forest, and is a Deva who likes to approach and send his dreams to make people love each other, rather like Cupid with his arrow. This is thus a 'Kamataep' (Kama means sexual or amorous, and Taep means Deva - Deva of Love and Passion).
Paetch Payatorn Deity Thai Amulet Luang Por Khern

The Muan Sarn of this amulet has extremely potent ingredients which are of the kind which the Kamataep Paetch Payatorn Deity also likes to seek out and mix to offer to lovers and increase the Metta around the world.

Useful for both Amorous, and Business purposes, this amulet is the first of a range of three powder and one Locket form Paetch Payatorn Deity amulets from Luang Por Khern Thawaro, whose Mastery of this Wicha for invocation of the Paetch Payatorn Deity to reside within amulets, is in its Fullness.

rear face of Paetch Payatorn Deity - Luang Por Khern Thawaro
The placement of the sacred ingredients on the rear face can vary with each amulet - picture is example only, and may differ from the Amulet you receive. We promise however that all are equally attractive and authentic.

Luang Por Khern Thawaro is a very respected Master of Khmer Magic, with various Adept spells under his Mastery, such as the Paetch Payatorn, Tagrud, and Pra Ngang amulets.

Luang Phor Khern Thawaro

Luang Por Kherns amulets are always made in lesser numbers, and are thus bound for eventual rarity. Prices are easily in accord with the small number of amulets made. Luang Por Kherns amulets are not made for mass production, rather more for individual quality and individual empowerment, as well as high quality sacred herbs and ingredients. The Muan Sarn used in the sacred powder of these amulets are evidently extremely rich minerals herbs and powders that are powerful in attraction magic. This becomes instantly apparent to the trained eye when examined under the eye-glass.

The Amulet is made using Ancient Wicha of Sa Or Yer Niang, which is a very powerful Khmer Wicha of ancient origins.

Kata for Metta amulets of LP Kherns Wicha Mondtra Ran Sa Or Yerniang
Na Ongkaya Saran Cham Niaree Sunayaakajaya Jidtana Gaama Ja Cham Cham Suhakawaya Eng Ma Ma Ja Dtiga Joo See See Ongkajayagaama Ya Sawaaha Dti Cham Dti

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See Pherng Metta Maha Riak Sap - Ud Pra Khun Phaen Khai Seek (Khun Phaen inserted) - Run Wai Kroo 2553 BE (Sao Ha Day) - Attraction and Success Potion - Samnak Ajarn San

See Pherng Metta Maha Riak Sap - Ud Pra Khun Phaen (Khun Phaen inserted) - Attraction, preferential treatment, and increased interest from the opposite sex is the purpose of this see pherng magic balm, made from an age old potion according to the inherited Wicha and Kampir of Dtamnak Kong Waet. This potion comes from Dtamnak Ajarn San (Kong Waet), in Nakorn Pathom and was issued during the 2553 Wai Kroo Ceremony .

Samnak (Ashram) Kong Waet in Ang Tong is a Dtamnak Ruesi that performs various Yogic and Magical services - Astrological readings, Sak Yant magical tattooing and special magical charms and amulets, such as the Khun Phaen with Palad Khik spell, Gumarn Tong effigies, and See Pherng / Prai Metta oil and balms.

See Pherng Metta Balm and ointment with Nakprok Buddha amulet

Apart from Metta Mahaniyom and Maha sanaeh power, the Khun Phaen Buddha offers protection from all dangers. This small Khun Phaen version is called 'Pim Khai seek' and is even accepted as one of the Benjapakee amulets.

The amulet can later be worn or encase in waterproof with some of the balm, or cleaned and used to soak in perfumed and herbal oils to increase their power of healing end blessings of Metta Mahaniyom. This is similar way as the Ayurvedic way of dilution as a cure and way of extending the quantity of sacred substance available from the amulet.

This Balm is thus (due to the amulet), a very worthwhile purchase, for oonce the balm is used up, you retain an amulet that will continue serving you for as long as you keep it.
Ajarn San Kong Waet - Master Mage of Ang Tong District.

He learned his Wicha from his Grandfather, who was a learned Adept in Saiyasart who had inherited Wicha from Luang Por Tuad himself. His teacher was a Sak yant Master too, which is one of the Wicha which Ajarn San has inherited from his Grandfather.

He also received Wicha from studies under Luang Phu Hnay of Wat Ban Jaeng in Ayuttaya, and Khmer Master Ajarn Bun, Luang Por Yib (Wat ban Klang). He was given the Wicha from Luang Phu Tammachote of Wat Kaay Ban Rajan Po Gai Dton and Wicha from the lineage of Phu Suea Mahesworn (a famous Outlaw of the second world war times that is now a famous and respected Guru Monk).

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Rian Sema Luang Por Phern Khee Suea (LP Phern riding Tiger) - Wat Bang Pra

Famous 'Sema' (Shield amulet - Pim Lek - small size) issued at the world famous Wai Kroo Festival of Wat Bang Pra. exact date of this famous classic amulet is unconfirmed. Authenticity is however confirmed to be original. This amulet received empowerments and blessings from Luang Por Phern himself, as he was still with us as this amulet was issued, making it a valuable authentic Luang Por Phern Magic amulet in every sense of the word.

Estimated to have been issued between 2538 and 2541 BE. The amulet is in 'Sema' shape (shield shape), and features Luang Por Phern riding a Tiger. Small in size can be worn by a woman or children, as well as men. An all time classic, which will be recognized all over Thailand and even around the world, by amulet lovers and those who revere Luang Por Phern, master of Sak Yant and Wicha Saiyasart Puttakun. Anyone at all would be proud to wear this amulet, which receives only reverence and respect from all Thai Buddhists. An amulet of this type is what would be called in Thai 'Plaad Mai Dai', meaning 'You can't go wrong'. You really can't go wrong with this amulet, which has intrinsic value.

The rear face of LP Phern riding tiger coin - sacred Na and Kata for riches

The rear face of the Coin features various Sacred Na and Yantra, with the magical Kata of Pra Chimplee (Pra Sivali), which brings great riches;

It says - "Na Chaa Lee Dti"

There are two more Kata on the rear face;
Pupaa Maa Naa Utto
Ga sa Na Tuu
Magical Properties; Puttakun, Maha Amnaj, Choke Lap, Metta Mahaniyom, Kong Grapan, Klaew Klaad, Serm Duang.

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Palad Khik Mai Koon (Hand carved magic wooden Shiva Lingam) - Pra Ajarn Ji

 Palad Khik Mai Koon Run Sethee 2553 BE - Pra Ajarn Ji Somjidto - Wat Nong Wa

This very cute looking Palad Khik (Shiva Lingam) - Love Metta and Wealth charm, made by Pra Ajarn Ji, is hand carved and inscribed with sacred Khom Pali spells, and empowered using the Kasina empowerments and Kata Chanting.

The Palad Khik amulet is made from 'Mai Koon', a sacred magical wood whose name even reflects the auspicious and enriching power of this wood ("Mai Koon' means 'Multiplying wood', implying that your possessions and happiness will multiply).
This Palad is Unisex and can be used as a love charm by either sex to influence either sex. It is therefore usable for both Hetero, and Gay people.

Palad Khik Shiva Lingam Thai amulet by Ajarn Ji
Size; 1.7 x 5.2 Centimeters
Amulets by Pra Ajarn Ji are becoming extremely sought after and are mostly sold out each edition because the Looksit of Luang Phor Yit know his Lineage and that he is of those lesser heard of Monks who will later be found out to be both a Great practitioner and amulet maker. His amulets are always made in small quantities and usually given an individual empowerment by Pra Ajarn Ji.
Pra Ajarn Ji is the inheritor of the Wicha of Luang Por Yit (sometimes spelled 'Yid'), of Wat Nong Jok. He is especially skilled and famous for his ability to empower Palad Khik amulets. The famous Luang Por Yit once said that Pra Ajarn Ji was able to Adeptly empower amulets, and cast spells exactly how LP Yit himself did, and that his amulets were just as good as his own.

Kata Palad Khik Mai Koon
Na Ae Na HaaBpasok Ti Maa See Gaa Ti Nang
Hua Ro Hai Dang U Khig Dta Khag Hyinh Hen Hying Rak Chay Hen Chay Tak Kon Rak Tang Mueang Waanich Paa Bpai Kaa Khaay Saam Duean Dai Luean Bpen Sethee
U Khig Dta Khag U Khig Dta Khag U Khig Dta Khag

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Choo Chok successful millionaire Beggar deity for acquiring Wealth and ones desires - Luang Por Jirant

Choo Chok (Jujaka) Deity for acquiring Wealth and Possessions - Nuea Tong Tip - Luang Por Jirant - Wat Praja (waterproof case included)

Juajaka - Choo Chok Thai amulet LP JIRANT
3.5 Centimeters High, 1.3 x 2.2 Centimeters base (without case)
This Choo Chok (Jujaka) Deity for acquiring Wealth and Possessions amulet is targeted for Puttakun (Protection and Metta), Kaa Khaay (good business sales) and Choke Lap (Luck and fortune). Made from Nuea Loha Rom Man Pu (cast iron with a black oily finish, known as 'shaded oil coating'). The waterproof acrylic transparent casing allows for perfect visual appreciation, and is included in the price for this amulet. Unisex in Nature, this amulet is small in size and very fitting for a lady to wear as well as a man. Magic Charms such as this are not only worn around the neck on a chain, but can also be hung on a keychain, placed in wallet, or in the car or place of business. Made from Nuea Tong Tip, the amulet weas also made in two other magical metals, nuea sanim khiaw and nuea sanim daeng.
choo chok (Juajaka) amulet in waterproof casing - sacred powder in base - LP Jirant
The amulet is filled with sacred powders in the base as well as having a piece of Luang Pors Civara Robe, and a 'Look Namo' (a kind of metal bullet-like charm, with a Sacred 'Na' inscribed in ancient Khom Sanskrit)
You are not forced to keep the amulet in the highest possible place above your head, but you can too if you wish to make Bucha on an altar. If making an altar which has animist effigies on it, it should always be separate from the Bucha place to the Buddha, with the exception of Monk statues, and Ruesi Deities, who were always in the attendance of the Buddha and in recognition of his Enlightenment and Mastery over all other Gurus - they are thus seen as a second level of the Sangha, who have however not yet taken the direct route to Nibbana, and are still wandering the Realms of Karmic activity, instead of Vultivating the Causes of escaping it, as the Bhikkhu (Buddhist Monk) does.
The amulet was blessed and empowered over a long period of time by LP Jirant, until the final day of its Puttapisek Taewapisek ceremony. It was given the full empowerments of the Choo Chok Deity
Luang Por Jarint is a Looksit of Luang Por Tim (Wat Chang Hai - creator of the original Luang Por Tuad amulet), as werll as being a Looksit

of Luang Phu Nong (Wat Sai Khaw, the second most important temple for Luang Por Tuad amulets). Both of these Gaeji Ajarns were involved in

the making of the ortiginal Luang Por Tuad 2497 BE Tao Reed amulet.

Luang Por Jarint ordained as a Bhikkhu at the age of 24 at Wat Ratburana (Wat Chang Hai), and had Pra Kroo Wisai Sope (Luang Phu Tim himself)

as his Ordaining Officer, and Luang Por Suk of Wat Prang Man as his chanting assistant. Pra Kroo Tamma Gij Goson (Luang Phu Nong, Wat Sai

Khaw) performed the duty of Anusawanajarn.
Considering these facts, it is obvious that, if Wat Chang Hai is to have another Great Guru Master of the Wat Chang Hai tradition, then it is

most probably going to be Luang Por Jarint, for his direct Lineage connections, and Magical Wicha received from the Lineage.

Kata Choo Chok for riches

Idti Sugadto Chanaa Supo Choo Cha-Go Sugadto Idti

Alternative Version Kata Choo Chok

Al-Lum Bpatamang Pandtae Bpurisowaa Idtheewaa Turaehiwaa Samibpaehiwaa Thaerassa-aanupaawaena Sataahodti Bpiyang Ma Ma

Choo Chok (Jujaka) Deity for acquiring Wealth and Possessions - Nuea Tong Tip - Luang Por Jirant - Wat Praja (waterproof case included)
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Phra Khun Phaen Um Nang (2519 BE) by Luang Phor Suang

Pra Khun Phaen amulet from Legendary Mystery Monk; Luang Phu Suang (Tewada Len Din).

Phra Khun Phaen Um Nang (2519 BE) by Luang Phor Suang (500 Year Old Monk) - blessed again at Wat Sutat by many Great Masters (case included)

Phra Khun Phaen Um Nang (2519 BE) by Luang Phor Suang (500 Year Old Monk) - blessed again at Wat Sutat by many great Masters (case included)
This is a Rare first edition Khun Phaen amulet from the elusive Master - Made in 2519 BE, it was the first ever edition he made. The Legend of Luang Phu Suang Says that he lived for 500 Years, and that stories of villagers of various Generations all remember Luang Phu Suang being old and living in the middle of the rice paddy at Sri Saket. The price includes the stainless steel fancy casing.

Phra Khun Phaen Thai amulet by LP Suang

Made in 2519 BE - blessed by Luang Phor Suang alone during three days of empowerment. In 2540+ the amulets were taken and stored at Wat Sutat temple, and received empowerments from many different Great Masters who passed through on their travels. Then recently, the amuletsd were once more given blessings in a large Puttapisek empowerment ceremony at Wat Sutat, before being released for Bucha.

Luang Phu Suang tewada Len Din Ha Roi Pi
Phra Khun Phaen Um Nang (2519 BE) by Luang Phor Suang (500 Year Old Monk) - blessed again at Wat Sutat by many great Masters (case included)

Luang Phu Suang – Taewada Len Din – 500 year old Monk

To rent an amulet from me, you can use the safe payment methods included in the post, contact me using the contact Button provided, Or Phone +66840577350(Thailand).
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Choo Chok Palad Khik fusion magic amulet - Luang Phor Jirant

Choo Chok Palad Khik two-in-one amulet for attraction, riches and luck - made from Nuea Loha Rom Man Pu - Luang Por Jirant - Wat Praja (waterproof case included)

The amulet is targeted for Puttakun (Protection and Metta), Kaa Khaay (good business sales) and Choke Lap (Luck and fortune). Made from Nuea Loha Rom Man Pu (cast iron with a black oily finish, known as 'shaded oil coating'). The waterproof acrylic transparent casing allows for perfect visual appreciation, and is included in the price for this amulet. Unisex in Nature, this amulet is small in size and very fitting for a lady to wear as well as a man. Magic Charms such as thi are not only worn around the neck on a chain, but can also be hung on a keychain, placed in wallet, or in the car or place of business.

palad khik choo chok amulet - jujaka statuette
You are not forced to keep the amulet in the highest possible place above your head, but you can too if you wish to make Bucha on an altar. If making an altar which has animist effigies on it, it should always be separate from the Bucha place to the Buddha, with the exception of Monk statues, and Ruesi Deities, who were always in the attendance of the Buddha and in recognition of his Enlightenment and Mastery over all other Gurus - they are thus seen as a second level of the Sangha, who have howver not yet taken the direct route to Nibbana, and are still wandering the Realms of Karmic activity, instead of Vultivating the Causes of escaping it, as the Bhikkhu (Buddhist Monk) does.

Size; 2.47 Cm  hich, base is 1.22 x 1.11 Cm wide. 999 amulets made in the Limited Edition.
The amulet was blessed and empowered over a long period of time by LP Jirant, until the final day of its Puttapisek Taewapisek ceremony. It was given the full empowerments of both Choo Chok Deity and also the Palad Khik (Shiva Lingam) effigy.
palad khik choo chok amulet - jujaka statuette
Luang Por Jarint is a Looksit of Luang Por Tim (Wat Chang Hai - creator of the original Luang Por Tuad amulet), as werll as being a Looksit

of Luang Phu Nong (Wat Sai Khaw, the second most important temple for Luang Por Tuad amulets). Both of these Gaeji Ajarns were involved in

the making of the ortiginal Luang Por Tuad 2497 BE Tao Reed amulet.

Luang Por Jarint ordained as a Bhikkhu at the age of 24 at Wat Ratburana (Wat Chang Hai), and had Pra Kroo Wisai Sope (Luang Phu Tim himself)

as his Ordaining Officer, and Luang Por Suk of Wat Prang Man as his chanting assistant. Pra Kroo Tamma Gij Goson (Luang Phu Nong, Wat Sai

Khaw) performed the duty of Anusawanajarn.
Considering these facts, it is obvious that, if Wat Chang Hai is to have another Great Guru Master of the Wat Chang Hai tradition, then it is

most probably going to be Luang Por Jarint, for his direct Lineage connections, and Magical Wicha received from the Lineage.

Kata Choo Chok for riches

Idti Sugadto Chanaa Supo Choo Cha-Go Sugadto Idti

Alternative Version Kata Choo Chok

Al-Lum Bpatamang Pandtae Bpurisowaa Idtheewaa Turaehiwaa Samibpaehiwaa Thaerassa-aanupaawaena Sataahodti Bpiyang Ma Ma

Choo Chok Palad Khik - Nuea Loha Rom Man Pu - Luang Por Jirant - Wat Praja (waterproof case included)
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Takrut Niang Salan - Luang Phu Jan

Takrut Niang Salan Saw Hlong Prai Nang Pom Horm 59 Dton -Ud Pong Takhor Kwan Chang Pong Pray - Luang Phu Jan Khantigo

Takrut Niang Salan - Luang Phor Jan Khantigo

Luang Phu Jan is back for 2554 BE with a new range of amulets and charm oils, of which this Takrut Niang Salan Sau Hlong is one of them.  The Takrut is made using the Wicha inherited from Luang Por Diar, who used a combination of sacred ingredients and powerful kata incantations that in conjunction with each other would complement and empower each other with concentrated Khmer Maha Sanaeh attraction magic and Metta Mahaniyom great Preference spell. Although a Unisex amulet, this Takrut is especially useful for ladies, and in addition is petite in size, allowing it to be carried very discreetly indeed.

Even normal people can get benefits from this complex adept Wicha , but those who have already entered the Vipassana Yana stages of development in Kammathana Vipassana practice, will be able to sense a strong magnetic field around the Takrut, which will be of great usability and the wearer will be easily able to direct the flow of the power to attract targeted goals, be it customers or lovers. The spell contained within this Takrut includes a hook spell which catches and retains any possible riches or potential flow of income or help, admirers, customers etc. It is a good for calling both possessions and a partner for life (remember, in truth, Buddhist love charms are not like occult ones, in the sense they are not for tricking people to sleep with you, rather to find the worthy wife or husband who will ive auspiciously as a couple within the Buddhist precepts, not for being a flirt with. The Thai Occult charms in contrary, do not always require this kind of rule to be kept).

The amulet is one of the eight kinds of amulets that the Prahm (Brahmans) nhave in their compendium. The elephant hook spell contained within the Takrut is a very ancient Brahman spell which even some of the Vedic Deities can be seen to use as a weapon
The hook which was used in the making of the Muan Sarn ingredients came from Luang Phu Diar, who has carried it on from the ancients who passed it down from Kroo to Kroo, each of the Khmer masters empowering it with their own Wichas before passing it on. Although this is a small Tagrud, it is in fact a true sacred and authentically magically empowered amulet, despite the fact it is so new.

The hook spell within the Takrut will pull any person towards you no matter how big (important) for the hook is an elephant hook,and will pull anything no matter what size or strength of resistance. Demons and Ghosts will not dare to approach either. The hook was said to have the power to send someone crazy if tapped on the head with it. Luang Phu Jan took the Hook and powdered it up into a fine dust and mixed it with enchanted herbs and substances according to Luang Phu Diars forumula for the Wicha to make this Takrut. The earth of seven cemeteries is used because it is earth powder that is from the spirit world, and brings the fastest results (some amulets are a little slow to work their spell).

He used then a thousand year old Khmer Maha Sanaeh spell to invoke and invite the 59 Devas using Pong Maha Phuudt Mueang Tom as their body to inhabit. The great thing about this spell is that it is auspicious because it does not force the Devas in any way, rather invites them to come and increase their merit by becoming Muan Sarn Aaathan (magical sacred powder) and inhabiting the Takrut to help Humans and protect the Dhamma.

Enemies will become friends, People will not wish to harm you, cuystomers will not dare to ask for a cheaper price, people will want to listen to you and like you..
Lovers will come easily, and you will be able to tune in and pull both people and possessions towards you.

Kata Takrut Niang Salan
Om Sanaemana Sanaemia Sanaepoom Sanaebpaaraa Bpreur An Grayom Kun Bpreur An Hong Gramome Salan O, Sahom Dtit Om Namoputtaaya Na Ma Pa Ta (chant three times)

The amulet is available with or without acrylic tube and closure.
SOLD OUT! (For Now)
Please View our other Takruts instead

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Pra Sivali Jok Bat for riches - with or without casing - Luang Phor Nong

Pra Sivali Thaera Jao amulet for riches - Dtraimas 52 Edition - LP Nong Tammachodto

2.3 x 3.2 Centimeters without casing. Made from Radtana Loha (seven kinds of sacred metals), this Pra Sivali Arahant Loi Ongk Bucha statuette/amulet is used for increasing wealth and attracting a constant flow of wealth and belongings. The Sivali Charm effect causes people to treat the wearer withcompassion, mercy and preferential Bias, The Buddha himself even stated that, as the monks were travelling through the remotest parts of the forest, where few villages and folk were around to offer alms and food, if Pra Sivali had not been with them, they might have starved.

The Buddha said that Pra Sivali had greta charm and attractionb power of Metta Mahaniyom, and that his presence in the Sangha was responsible on many occasions for the survival of the Bhikkhus, as his charm power was so incredible, that people would appear from all directions to make offerings and pay respects, listening to his Dhamma. It is said that those who were near him or heard his sermons, would experience great luck and friendly treatment from everyone, and become ever richer (as in the case of Nang Kwak).

Price without casing; $56 - with waterproof casing; $68
Phra Sivalee amulet Luang Phor Nong

The Pra Sivali amulet is one of Thailands most powerful Purely Buddhist amulets for increasing riches - perhaps the most powerful. This amulet is a wonderful choice for those who wish a purely Buddhist amulet with no occult spells, and are seeking luck and economical improvement, or to solve debts. This amulet is a very auspicious magical charm, but is also 'Puttanussadti' (remembrance of the Buddha and the Dhamma, Sangha), and therefore a great item of reverence for Buddhists.

Sivali Lucky amulet for riches
Apart from this, the amulet is finely honed craftsmanship and has undergone a very sacred Puttapisek Empowerment ceremony. 1999 amulets made in this limited edition. Sacred powders, Yantra cloth and Tagrud are inserted into the base. Comes already encased in waterproof casing, included in the price.
Luang Phu Nong
Pra Sivali Jok Bat Run Dtraimas edition (with or without case) - Thai Amulet for riches, success and popularity - by Luang Phu Nong Wat Sri Wang Tong
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Somdej Chana Marn Bandan Sap Pim Po Gao Bai (Gammagarn) - LP Tong Kam

Somdej Chana Marn Bandan Sap Pim Po Gao Bai - Hlang Roop Muean (Gammagarn 276 amulet limited edition) - Nuea Pong Puttakun Pasom Wan 108 - LP Tong Kam Intawaso - Wat Tham Tapian Tong

The front face features the Lord Buddha subduing the Mara Demons in the moment of his Enlightenment. Below him is his Throne under the Bodhi tree with Mae Toranee Earth Godess washing the maras away in a flood.
The rear face has the image of Luang Por Tong Kam Intawaso, of Wat Tham Tapian Tong (Lopburi). A pice of his Civara Robe is pasted onto the image. This amulet is from the small limited edition gammagarn Sets, which were issued in packs of three.

'Run Maha Sethee Mee Sukh' (Happy Millionaire edition). Beautiful Buddhist art is applied to the creation if these sacred Somdej type amulets. The front face depicts an image of the Lord Buddha himself sitting on the Throne of Enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree and the Earth Goddess Dharani (or, 'Pra Mae Toranee', in Thai) squeezing a tumult of water out of her hair, and washing the Maras away. The rear face image of Luang Por Tong Kam Intawaso on the rear, with a piece of his Civara robe attached. - Made Wat Tham Tapian Tong (Lopburi)

Made in 2552 BE, by Guru Monk Luang Por Tong Kam Intawaso of Wat Tham Tapian Tong, Lopburi. Lopburi is home of Many Great Masters of Khom Wicha and Saiyasart, because of its Khom History and proximity to the Khmer Kingdom - the Wicha to be found in Lopburi is very close to the Khom Wicha, and one of the most powerful of all provinces of Thailand.

Luang Por Tong Kam
Click Here to View/Rent (Purchase) this Amulet - Pra Somdej Chana Marn Bandan Sap >>>
Comes without Case - this is a rather large size amulet with a height of over 5 Centimeters and is thus recommendable either for a Man to wear, or for placing on a Bucha altar for worship and other purposes (e.g. making prayer water).

Puttapisek Empowerment
16th August 2552 BE (76th Birthday of LP Tong Kam Intawaso)
The empowerrments were additionally given Jhanic force by the following Guru Monks;
Luang Por Poon (Wat Ban Paen, Ayuttaya), Luang Por Maen (Wat Na Tang Nok, Ayuttaya), Luang Por Uean (Wat Wang Daeng Dtai, Ayuttaya), Luang Por Sanaeh Jantr (Wat Jantrangsri, Khon Gaen), and 4 Master Monks from Wat Rakang Kositaram (names not available).

Ony 276 amulets of each of the three kinds made in Gammagarn Version were made.
5.6 Centimeters High and 3.7 Centimeters wide. Comes without case.

LP Tong Kam is a learned Master and Practitioner who incorporates all important aspects of Thai Buddhism into his amulets and in addition, maintains the quality of Buddhist Art and Religious Artifact making to the same standards of the past, and does not allow the advance of the modern age to influence his interpretation of the content of the amulets.

This amulet for example, is a perfect example of how Thai Buddhism is interwoven with the Brahman belief in Deities and the Animist traditions that were surely already here before the advent of Buddhism. The Buddha shows Buddhism, and the Dharani Deity shows Brahmanism.

The beauty of it all is, that none of these three belief systems can be offended in any manner by these three images being put together, because they all fit together in harmony and do not contest each others existence.

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