Pra Sangkajai Pid Ta Mer Dtoe Rap Sap
(Sangkajai Buddha with closed eyes - big hands to receive wealth)
This statue is one of only 600 made. First edition made at Wat sala Fai, famous temple of Nakorn Sri Tammarat in South Thailand. Soth Thailand is famous for it's tradition of Buddha Magic in the Khao Or tradition. This statue has three extra spells hidden under the base; a bronze image of the Tep Normoe deva, a pra pid ta amulet, and a case with powder from the Takian tree, considered to be a magical tree with spirits residing in it.

I only have one of these statues, which i have decided to let go due to my proximate ordination and need to dispose of extra weight.

You can contact me on sakyant at g mail dot com if you are interested renting (purchasing) this beautiful and rare limited edition statue - i shall be transporting it to Singapore next month for auction if still available
The base on the back of the statue has Pra Rahu protecting

The price for this statue is 300 Singapore dollars