Pra Gru Tham Suea Na Gae Na Num
These are the different kinds of Pim (mold) of the Pra Gru Tham Suea amulets i found at the temple of Hlwong Por Dte. The amulets were buried after being brought there by a monk who was travelling on Tudong, who brought them from Supannburi
The original Pra Gru Tham Suea was reputedly created by the hand of
Ruesi Por Gae Dta Fai, in Kanjanaburi.
These amulets exist in small and large (small are almost run out already). Apart from small and large size, the faces have two different styles; Na Gae (old face) and Na Num (young face with long ears). These amulets still are covered in earth that they were buried under, and i feel should remain so because the earth itself is Sacred too.
Hlwong Por Dte has allowed me to distribute some of these amulets to help funding for the completion of the 7 Buddha statues,as well as forthcoming projects. He lives alone in the forest temple of Wat Pah Maha Chanok, and has only 2 Buddhist homesteads in the area so cannot successfully go on alms round. He is finding it difficult to maintain the place alone,for which i sometimes go and stay to try to help a little. These amulets cannot be sold for too high a price, because LP Dte says that he doesn't want to ask too much. For this reason i can let them go for 50 dollars (Singapore), although they are of more worth than other amulets available for this price. In addition i have permission to reduce the price on more than one amulet. There are two bowls of them only, which means about only 200 amulets available in existence. For me, these are authentic amulets with a story to them. Each of the amulets is hand made, which can be noted by the varied markings and shapes of the back sides of each amulet,as well as each image on the front being slightly different too.

$50SG for one amulet, $90SG for two, or 130 for three. Any items added to this cart which were posted before this post, will not appear on your shopping cart, due to the face that the other posts are linked to a different paypal adress. Only amulets posted after this post onwards will be included in this shopping cart
Above; Pra Gru Tham Suea effigy, reputedly made by Por Gae Dta Fai.
To rent an amulet from me, you can contact me on sakyant at windowslive dot com, Or Phone 98323062 (Singapore) or +66886799251(Thailand).
Rental prices on this blog are all in Singapore dollars Postage per EMS costs 5 dollars in Singapore, and 20 dollars for international delivery up to 500 grams.
In Most cases though, you can come to see the amulet in Singapore before you buy it if you wish, by phoning the Singapore number and making an appointment to meet and see the amulet. This will be conducted by my wife, so if you have any difficult questions you must contact me on the email address given above, as my wife cannot answer the more difficult questions. If you pick up in Singapore, then you don't need to add the postage.