Made using the Wicha Reng Ruay (speed up wealth increase) of Souther Lineage of Occult tradition. The Muan Sarn has many powerful ingredients to strengthen the Tagrud and the Gumarn Deity which resides in it, such as Maha Wan Dam Maha Wan Daeng, Maha Wan Khaw, Maha Wan Tong, black sticky rice, Pong Bpatamang, Wan Yaayaa, Nam Man Prai Suea, Pong Ma Dtakian Tong Dtaay Prai, earth from Seven Cemeteries, Swamps, Ports, Termite mounds, and 'Khee Takrai Sema' (broken pieces of temple wall cement).
4.1 centimeters long double Tagrud scrolls wrapped with Gumarn Tong image.
Click Here to view or Rent (purchase) Tagrud Gumarn Tong Reng Ruay >>>
Kata Sastra Gumarn Reng Ruay
(always chant to Triple Gem first with 'Na Mo Dtassa Pakawadto Arahadto Sammaa Samputtassa' x3). Offer sweets, red drink and three incense sticks, or five incense sticks.
Ma A U Siwang Prahmmaa Ma A U Hamaa Jidt-dtang Maa Maa Siwang Prahmmaa Aakajchaahi Aehijidtang BPiyang Ma Ma (3 times).
To rent an amulet from me, you can use the safe payment methods included in the post, contact me using the contact Button provided, Or Phone +66840577350(Thailand). |